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Posts posted by mixnwax

  1. I very rarely post on here as you can tell but after a long day of work at our candle store, I feel the need to reply on my behalf and other hard working candlemakers. Whether you are a part time crafter or have taken your craft to a business level, it's personal because it's all made with our hands, hearts and minds. Therefore, I feel you crossed the line. "A more luxurious product"?? huh?? More luxurious than what? Are you saying our products are "less luxurious"? You and your comments are unbleevubbl. And as far as a thread being for someone, we'll be the judge of that. Although I have to say I'm not so sure this thread is for you either.

    Have a great day and for everyone else on here keep up the good work on all your luxurious products.:shocked2:

    Oh wait..I do have some knowledge to share with you. When you begin to sell candles, you will find yourself making whatever your customers want...even cake, candy, caramel, apple, lemon, blueberries, strawberries and lime. Good Luck:shocked2:

  2. I first thought bad batch of wicks, then the oils. I hadn't really given the wax much thought and like Sliver, comfort blend is the largest component in my blend. Thanks for all your responses and I'll go rethink this and that's always a toughie for me.:embarasse

  3. I have noticed that oils from a particular supplier are not performing as they have for the past 7 years. I have to wick up 2-3 times bigger now and not one single thing I'm doing is different.

    If this is or has this happened to you and what was the problem?

    I'm stumped, and need to solve this before my business suffers anymore.

    Any ideas, tips or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

  4. I feel your pain. I personally use a blend of parrafin waxes so the criticism can get pretty harsh at times. I run into people like this at every show I have ever done. My personal weapon of choice is silence. I am there to promote my product not to enter into a war of the waxes. But if it helps any I have noticed every time someone starts this at a show my sales really go up because the people get curious. While I am testing soy for certain products right now, I have to say that we, candle makers, are there to sell our candles and not health food. If the fact that your candles are soy and that is your main marketing point then you may want to make a couple of signs pointing this out so you can spend more time selling your product and not clarifying to customers what some other moron is saying. If this is a local person and you continue to have this problem with them I would consider saying something to the forum that hosts the event because there comes a point and time when their rights to freedom of speech end and your right to make money begins. If one can prove that the false statements made are hurting ones sales there could be a liability factor at play here.

  5. I keep mine displayed by the scent. My personal reason for this is that my store is not particularly large and I noticed when I seperate the colors it tends to make everything look too busy which I have noticed means the customer stops seriously looking and smelling half way through the store and that's not a good sign. hth

  6. This show sounds like it comes with a ton of advertisement for your product so I don't see where the 150.00 is out of line at all. My only advice would be to make sure you are able to service your new found customers after the show. If your are strictly a home based business you may want to consider gettting your products into a craft mall or something similar to make it easier for your customers to continue to return to your products or your hard work and effort of the show would all be for nothing. Good luck and have fun.

  7. Thank you for your help. I don't know html..only the basics such as font, color, etc.. And the way I understand it, mode 4 requires alot of html knowledge. I am very familiar with diy and don't want to stray too far from that in the beginning. Does mode 4 still seem like the choice I'm looking for?

    Thanks again.

  8. For those of you that are familiar with both of these host, could you please tell me which wahm shoppe mode is most similar to diy. I would really like to switch but know my limitations and don't want to get caught up in website chaos:confused: . Thanks so much for any help on this.

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