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Posts posted by Laurie

  1. Thanks so much Dolphinbear, that information really helps. I see the those great prices from US suppliers and I am so worried about shipping, duty, etc. that I was afraid those extra costs would wipe out any savings. Would I be prying if I asked you where you order from? You can send me an email if you don't wish to post the information (I don't quite know how that works on this board right now but I'll figure it out).

    On another note, I am so excited, I will be conducting my first real tests later this week...after 5 days of curing (hope that's enough). I'll post some photos.

    Thanks again!

  2. I uploaded two photos. One of is the candles that I have made so far. The other is of two candles I made at the same time, note that one is fine and the other has bubbles and frosting on the bottom.

    I have another question, when you make candles with lids, how long do you wait before putting the lid on, is 24 hours enough?

    Thinking of going with the vanilla for my first testing.


    Laurie :smiley2:



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  3. Thanks Stella, I think being a wax drip is kinda cool. What will I graduate to?

    Questions: How do I decide how many candles to test at once? I read somewhere to make 3 candles with 3 diferent wicks and go from there. Is it okay to remelt the wax more than once?

    Also, I noticed if I try to smooth the top of a candle with a heat gun, the wax on the LX wick starts to melt onto my candle and it shows as white wax on my colored candle. How can I avoid that?

  4. Thank you Stella,

    Yes, I meant weigh, I’ll try to remember that precision….I love weighing my ingredients with the cute little kitchen scale I bought on sale at Walmart!

    I realized that I do not like making big candles or pillars, I prefer to make a slew of tealights and small container candles (4-5oz) so I’ll try to focus on that. I must say that so far, all the candles I have burned have been scrumptious and burn well and I have been taking notes well but I understand the need to test. I noticed the CBA throw is not quite as strong the CB-135.

    Thanks for all the great advice!

    P.S. I’ll try to post a photo of my candles this weekend – if I can, I’m still learning my way around.

    Note to self: Focus Laur Focus!!!

  5. I’ve been reading posts on this site for a few days and decided that there is a lot of support and information here. I am from Canada and I salivate at the choice and prices you have in the US! I have already spent about $400 from Canadian suppliers (which includes about $80+ in shipping) and really don’t think I can take advantage of the US prices because the shipping will eliminate any savings.

    I bought a bunch of Party Light candles in the spring and it made me wonder if I could make some candles myself. I started in May and I am hooked (ok OBSESSED)! All I want to do is measure, melt, stir, pour, sniff and watch! I have been giving some of them away and people have been going crazy, so I would like to start selling them but I am all over the place. I have bought different dye blocks, fragrance sample kits and different size containers (2” to 3”). I have tried EcoSoya CB-135 & CB Advanced and Pillar Blend. The CB-135 started out well but I started to get too much frosting and wet spots so switched to the CB Adv. (for now). Anyway, I cannot seem to focus on any one type of candle to make, I just want to make more more more!!! I have been making 1 or 2 lb batches at a time and switch every time, I buy one or two nice containers when I find them, they are so expensive online!

    As for the warning labels, I need bilingual labels since I am in Quebec. I have created my own text and I will have buy labels from Avery ($17.99 for 400), very expensive! Wicks? I tried HTP wicks and LX, it seems that the HTP are friendlier to my candles and the LX are mushrooming way too much. They do not sell sampler kits at the suppliers that I have used and one supplier has a minimum $50 order. I know you will all tell me to focus on one or two sizes but after reading so much I want to try even more stuff -- paraffin, blends, liquid dyes, beeswax, etc. etc.

    I am all over the place and can’t focus, I was hoping for any support or advice from people who share my new passion!

    Sorry for the long post...I tried to keep it to the point but I just have so much to say.

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