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Posts posted by Serasvae

  1. Hey I just wanted to share this with everyone... Hope you like it! :)

    I used paper towel rolls (cut them up and shaped them), black spray paint (few coats), and Tim Holtz idea-ology Accoutrements.

    I haven't decided if I am going to just hang on wall "as-is", or I was thinking of ideas I could do to make it more unique (blank canvas and fabric for a background...?)

    Let me know what you think ! :))




  2. Hello,

    I use the 6006 wax and want to test some new jars but would love some wick suggestions on these please.

    My new jars are the 8oz Jelly Jar and 16oz Canning Jar (from CandleScience).

    I was thinking of starting with a CD 12 or 14 for the 16oz Canning or an HTP 104...and for the 8oz Jelly I was thinking of starting with HTP 52. I have some LX 16's on hand but I'm not sure these will work for either of these jars. I am also going to be using the liquid dye in these for the first time, so hopefully that will work well in the 6006. As far as wicks, I tend to use HTP or CD wicks mostly but I am open to other suggestions...

    Thank you :)

  3. Its been a while since I have posted on here ... so hello again!!

    I just received my new 8oz Tureen Jars today from candlescience !!

    It says on their website these have 4" diameter. I am using 6006 and was thinking of double wicking with either two cd 6's or 7's ... or two HTP 104's ??

    These cute lil jars seem tricky since they are small (short) but wide.. wouldn't mind trying to single wick these too - maybe cd 18 (?) Just seems so big for such a small jar, lol.

    Any suggestions would be really helpful!!

    Thank you!! :smiley2:

  4. Please let me know what you think of these.

    I found these mini loafs and just HAD to try... it was so hard getting them to burn all the way into the corners...I managed somehow. The biggest downfall is they burn really really fast. I made a couple to give as gifts for family, so hopefully they will enjoy them :)

    Let me know what you think of all these, thankss!

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!

    Thank you in advance for your comments/suggestions/input/etc... :)







  5. Thank you SO much! This is such GREAT information!! VERY helpful!! I am going to try those wicks you suggested Stella and I agree the best thing for me to do now is to start with just wicks and wax, smaller jars ofc and test test test from there. Those pics I posted were only 2nd test burns but I will still test those to see what happens. I used HTP1212, ECO 16 and 798 wicks in those. Thank you so much for your help!! I really appreciate it! I have seen C3 listed as Elevance and Cargill. I order my wax from Candle Science, which has it listed has Cargill so thanks for clearing that up also! :)

    Thanks again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yay:

    I'll be back !!! :cheesy2:

  6. Thank you all SO much! I really thought this was awful but from your responses I am feeling a lot better about this now. Thank you !!

    Oops, I thought I was forgetting something, hehe, thanks Stella !! :cheesy2:

    The wax I use is Cargill C3 Naturewax. I order all my fragrance oil through Nature's Garden. The three you see here are Blueberry Cobbler, Oceans, and Birds of Paradise.

    Currently I am using dye blocks but I may want to try liquid dye only because I'm not sure how to acurately measure with dye blocks. I create my colors by adding teeny tiny amounts and gradually adding as needed, but as far as measuring goes my scale won't read these teeny tiny amounts ?? So honestly I'm not sure how much dye I am using :confused:

    Ok, so not the best method I got goin' here, LoL! But trying to work with what I got for now. If anyone has any suggestions on using dye blocks that would be sooo great!

    I will most certainly try the soy additive and the CD wicks !

    Thanks a bunch you guys!!!

    Happy Candlemaking!!! :yay:

  7. Hello again Everyone,

    After I test burn my candles - they always reharden with such an awful look! I attached pics...

    I get all my fragrance oil from Nature's Garden and I use 1oz/1lb wax.

    When I pour my candles they all come out really nice looking. No frosting and smooth tops. After I let them cure (7-10 days), I test burn and every time when they reharden the tops look awful and I get a frosted line all the way around the candle.

    I am trying to single wick 4" apothecary jars. So far I have tried HTP1212, ECO 16 and 798.

    I add fragrance/dye at 175 and pour between 150-160

    I know this could be anything.. the fo, the dye, the WICK, etc etc etc...

    Does this happen to anyone else?? Any suggestions??

    Thank you so much for your help !! :)




  8. Thanks, that would be helpful now wouldn't it.... :D C3 melted completely at around 140F, I heated to 175F and added the fragrance and dye and poured at 160F (16oz) and 150F (5oz).

    I'll try the tip you gave also Stella! Thank you !!! I drive myself crazy with 'teensy imperfections', LOL! I just want PERFECT! hehe :)

    I am using HTP wicks now, but I have tried others and HTP seems to work the best so far!!

    I will post pics asap !!! - camera issue atm. :/

    Thanks for the help !

  9. I had it in my mind I was going to order a parasoy blend, but I recently made candles using Cargill c3. I really Love this wax - makes a beautiful candle! I got zero frosting and smooth tops...but the issue I am having is right around the wick.... it seems like the wax ONLY around the wick is slightly bulbous and somewhat seperated - I single wicked using HTP1212 and a 798 wick (from Wick-it.com) in a 16oz (22oz overflow) jar (4" diam).

    Is this is a single wick issue or just a plain wick issue? (assuming the wick IS the issue, lol)

    Thanks for the help ! :)

    p.s. I am going to stick with using Cargill c3 so any suggestions using this wax will be much appreciated!! TIA!!! :yay:

  10. Thanks for the feedback ! I am still gong to work with my soy waxes (my c3/gw464 blend really wasn't bad), but I just want to try a parasoy blend to see how it differentiates. This forum is great btw ! I have read the many many issues that can cause a poor hot throw (esp in soy wax) and I will continue to research and test, test, test !! :)~

    I still would love to know the ratio of 6006 if anyone knows because I just prefer to know what I am working with.

    Thank you for the wick recommendations Stella! Do you happen to know where I can find USA?

    Thanks again ! :)

  11. Hello,

    I was thinking of trying a parasoy blend and was going to order the IGI 6006 from Candlescience. I was hoping someone could tell me what the ratio is on this? Is it 70/30 or 80/20? (couldn't seem to find on the website)

    Would you recommend adding any of the following soy waxes to enhance the 6006 performance? Golden Wax 464, Ecosoya CB-135, or Cargill C3 Naturewax.

    I am new to this and have only tried these three soy waxes. I have ended up with frosting, wet spots, craters, and sink holes and after test burning some of my Ecosoya candles, when the wax rehardens it looks funky, like moldish (if that makes any sense?). I tried a 70/30 blend of Cargil C3 and GW 464 which actually came out fairly good - barely any frosting, smooth creamy top, burned fairly well, great cold throw (not the greatest hot throw... but not awful) and after testburning some rehardened quite smooth again (that was exciting!)

    However, I still feel the need to at least TRY a parasoy blend because I do want a really good hot throw too - but also that smooth creamy soy appearance.

    Anyy suggestions will be helpful! Thanks!!

    p.s. I am using standard apothecary jars 5oz (2.4" diam) and 16oz (4" diam) jars - wick suggestions would be soooo very helpful!!!!

    TIA!!! :)

  12. Thank you so much for all your help you guys ! Yes I am a quite the newbie ! Shows that bad huh? LoL! Well thank you all for being so helpful and so kind! I am doing this for the fun of it but just trying to keep the cost down - these threads are EXTREMELY helpful !! sooo many questionsss ! hehehe

    Oh, and I will make heed of your advice on "natural" soy - Yes I did read up on that - and now I know :) and I'll be sure to check out the Newbie Section !

    Thanks for the help!!! Much appreciated!! :smiley2:

  13. Hi All,

    I am fairly new to candle making and BOY was I shocked at how much there is to this! After much research I have decided I'd like to stick with soy wax, being the more natural route -plus the added bonus of not being too steep in price such as beeswax - (altho someday I'd love to try that too!) Well, enough gibber gabber - I have quite a few questions but my main question right now is:

    Do you prefer Fragrance Oil or Essential Oil in soy wax?

    Kindly name if you will, your reasoning and wholesaler/scents you have tried and loved!

    My other question right now is about wicks. I have tried a few diff kinds but what's the best for soy wax? HTP? I'm currently involved with GW 444 and would love to hear what works best here!

    Last question, for now, lol... Coloring. Looking for great quality at most affordable price. Any suggestions/wholesalers here would be helpful!

    Thanks a mill you guys!

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