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Posts posted by ilovecandles

  1. Thanks for likin' y'all; I use the CD wicks. They do pretty good for the most part and in the vibe jars as well; they do not trap lot of soot at he top. Now I have found that when I burn again after the 1st burn and do not trim the wick they will soot a little; as fat as the wax goes Hobby Lolbby sells the Candle Wic company's palm wax. The other curvy glasses I got at Michaels; I have not see that jar before either too.

  2. I decided to try palm wax; comments and criticism welcomed. P.S. Some of the wicks are not centered; my bad on that.

    Materials used:


    Hobby Lobby Palm Wax


    NG's Thierry Muggler Angel Type Fragrance

    NG's Crystal Blue Waters


  3. I love the Anchor Jars, but I do not know where to find a lot of them and if I am not mistaken you can't purchase from the Anchor Hocking site unless you have a company. Does anyone know where I can find some of pof their jars like the Acroprolis jar seen here:


    Side Note: I have had some of the Footed Square jars before and know where to get them.

  4. Well I decided to try my hand and melt and pour soap making; I found the process not to be hard. Some of my soap have spots that were not colored; apparently I did not stir it enough. I know I need to work on it; comments and criticisms are welcomed.

    Scent: Nature's Garden Downy Cool Breeze Type


  5. Thanks everyone. Well for right now I use a few containers; if/when I sell I do not plan on using all of these containers. The reason I had so many containers is because I got a of sample containers free and bought some that I like before I really started making candles because I wanted to have a variety of containers. My mother called me the "queen of jars"; lol!!!!!!!!!! Now I have narrowed it down to a few.

  6. I just wanted to share some of the candles I made; 1st time posting. Comments and criticisms welcomed.

    Scents Used:

    1st Pic:

    Georgia Sunrise from Natures Garden

    Fresh Linen from Natures Garden

    April Showers (don't know what company makes it; selected it in my very 1st candle kit I purchased from Ebay)

    2nd Pic:

    Seaside Cotton from Natures Garden

    3rd Pic:

    Forever Sunshine from The Candle Makers Store

    4th Pic:

    Bubble Gum from Natures Garden





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