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Posts posted by jilliank

  1. That's interesting because the research I have done actually says avocado is good for dry, sensitive skin. It has a lot of fatty acids which actually moisturize. I used 45% oil/butters-20% shea, 20% coconut oil, and 5% avocado oil. I didn't use very much water either (45%), with the hopes that it would make it more moisturizing with out the water.

    I guess I'll just have to keep playing with the proportions. I was hoping someone might have once been in a similar situation and found a solution. Thank you all for your comments!

  2. I am a new member of the forum, but have visited many times reading other posts.

    I have been experimenting with different lotions, but have been running into the same problem lately. The lotions just don't have a lasting moisturizing effect. Within 10-15 minutes my skin is feeling dry again. I asked a few friends to try as well (because I thought it could just be my overly dry skin), but they experienced the same thing.

    I used shea butter, coconut oil, and a small amount of avocado oil- so it should be very moisturizing, but it just wont last long. Does anyone have any tips or pointers? I would really appreciate it.

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