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Posts posted by theyodelingpickle

  1. Thanks for the welcome guys :)

    I have been doing a lot of research, and have been getting numerous books. So I would say I have some book knowledge.

    I love candles (as any girl does :rolleyes2) and I also love being able to make my own things. But because I am young and I don't have a huge amount of money that I can just spend however I want, I need a hobby that will pay for itself, even in a small way. I'm fully aware that candle making isn't going to make someone rich over night, nor is it going to be as simple as popping a wick into a jar and filling it with wax. From the research that I've been doing over the last few weeks I would have to disagree with saying that you won't earn a profit with it though.

    I think with any hobby that is profitable, it depends on your business plan, and where you want your business to go, no matter how small it may be. I think a plan and budget is very important, even if you're selling just a few dozen. Some people may be comfortable with finding that perfect blend, wick, fragrance and color and stick with it. Others love to experiment. I think, as a novice, it'd be better to go along finding a combination I'm comfortable with and get some regular customers before starting to really experiment.

    I'd love to hear how you guys started your business, any issues and problems you came across, and how popular your candles are!

  2. Hi everyone :)

    I just joined CraftServer to help learn more information about candle making. I need some help finding a starting place with venturing into making soy candles AND making a profit. I'm a total beginner and have never made a candle in my life, but it is very much a dream and ambition. I'd love to hear how you guys started and what you recommend.

    I don't want to start with a huge batch and then not being able to sell them or some other unfortunate incident. What would be a good number of candles to start off with? How many different scents?

    I've been looking into candle making kits but they really seem to be way more than buying the supplies separately and from a company that sells wholesale. I've been looking at supplies on CandleWic and CandleScience. Do you guys have any experience with these companies? Or do you recommend another company with similar prices?

    My heart is in container candles for now, because of the ease of them and because I basically just prefer them over other types. I was thinking about starting with 8oz jelly jars to begin with. I've seen prices for a case of 12 anywhere from $6.00 to $14. What is a reasonable price? Or do you recommend starting with a different size?

    Thanks and have a great day!

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