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Posts posted by Cake

  1. Thank you everyone for your suggestions! @candlesncats thank you for offering me a sample, that's incredibly sweet. But because I always get good recommendations from everyone here I've placed a few "sampling" orders. I have tried the 7up pound cake from NG. I like it better in product then OOTB. It has been hard to find a lemon cake so far that didn't smell like cleaning product :cry2:. I have my fingers crossed for these coming in that I ordered. Thank you again everyone for your feedback!

  2. Yes, I've had a few change to inky black. All from different suppliers too. One was Pumpkin Crunch Cake from NG. It doesn't mess with the fragrance...that I've noticed. It does mess with getting light and bright colors in my candles sometimes.

  3. Thank you! I Know vanilla makes soap darken, but I didn't know it would darken said oil over time. I've never had a finished candle darken over time though. Has this happen to anyone that used a FO with high vanilla content?

  4. Does anyone know why FO's change from clear in color to dark black? They get around 4 to 6 months old from the time that I purchased them. Then they turned black...?? :confused: They seem to smell the same, just darker in color. It does cause some of my waxes to darken in color as well.

  5. Thank you so much!! That makes me feel better, to know I shouldn't look at it like wasting wax & that it is safer. I've been making candles for almost 8 years (as a hobby), but I'm still new at it. I just started trying out new waxes & wicks. Thanks again.

  6. I just started using GI 4630 wax, along with the HTP wicks. The problem I'm having is every time the candle burns down it leaves about 1/4 inch of wax in the container. I haven't run in to this problem with vegetable wax or my paraffin pillar wax before. Is this just something I must live with or am I doing something wrong??? Would stickems/glue dots or hot glue (for wicking) make a difference? Please help!:confused:

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