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Posts posted by MOOdY_Girl

  1. Hey MOOdY_Girl I was wondering if that was really you~you dropped off the face of the earth a couple of years ago-nice to see you back and that all is OK.
    HEY E! :yay:

    It's me...definitely me!

    A lot came at us a few years ago, so MOOd SWInGS was put on the back burner (so to speak). I started back in my candles and soap (acquiring supplies) and dusting off all of my recipes last year and have been slowly working my way back in. I think the hardest part was finding a really good supplier out here. (everyone I used way back when was in Texas)

    It's funny because I thought so much would have changed in the world of candles/soaps....it is still pretty much the same. The only exception is the price of everything.

    Great to hear from you!!


    Added: A big hello to you Going2Adopt!

  2. I got smart this time...I had an e-garage sale (Spring Cleaning, of course) to fund my horrid CS addiction just for this little "sale"...I couldn't just try a couple of scents, ya know. Kinda pathetic, but hey...at least I am not in denial. :cheesy2: The downside is that i ended up going with the larger sizes instead of the "sampler" size.

    I simply cannot win.

  3. Ya'll all make good points & thank you! I haven't messed with DSS in quite a while, but a lady was cleaning out her supply closet and I got a bag of them for pretty inexpensive. It amazes me of how many different salts are out there now!!! Himalayan Pink, Gray, DSS, Celtic it seems so much has changed since I did all of this before. AHHH, the good ole days.

    It's ok, that just means more ingredients to experiment with! :yay:

  4. Well, I decided to call MMS and ask them (they are Sage's from the Majestic Mountain, right? :laugh2:). The lady that I spoke with was super nice and said they sometimes question salts and found the way to test is by taste....and let me tell you, i would not sprinkle that stuff on my eggs! I had an acrid aftertaste all afternoon!

    SOOOOO, if you ever question if salts are regular sea salts or salts from the Dead Sea, just stick your finger in the bag and take a taste :P

  5. I had never heard of Scentsy until I was at Ft. Sill, OK last year with my husband. I saw the sticker thingy on the back of a car, so I went back home and looked it up.

    My 2 pennies worth is they are just like PartyLite, Home Interiors and the other pyramid businesses. I don't negate them as their consultants are looking for a way to make money too. Lots jump on the bandwagon, flood the market, charge the same high prices and then the interest eventually fades. It's all good with me, because I like the competition and I like knowing that I am not working myself only to line the pockets of some big corp. All of us as Candle Makers have spent time and money doing the research, testing, and perfecting what we have. Home made will always prevail IMHO. :yay:

    Just an extra FYI, we have a local business thingy here. I checked archives and the like for fellow candlemakers/sellers. None. The day I listed my business (very simple and to the point) 4 Scentsy consultants posted theirs. My point is that us "Home Maders" put a little bit of fear into them...otherwise, there would not be no goofy a$$ claims. :P

  6. Hi, glad to meet you.

    (You know you're a geek when your best friends have online names.

    Hello, and thank you! I totally agree! Especially when I am talking about random things I read on here that really get my mind going and throw in "oh, SatinDucky, or AlwaysWondering said this" I get some funny looks from my husband from time to time :laugh2:

  7. I hate to see that, but at the same time I am not surprised. I have stopped using them (unless specifically requested) because more times than not, I have had issues with the package arriving looking like they played soccer with it.

  8. I think your idea is very sweet and if that is what you wanna do, then do it :yay:. There is nothing better than a little something to remind them of home. My only concern is keeping in mind the time it will take to ship out there (they may get it fairly quick, however there are those times when care packages get mixed up in the shuffle) thus resulting in an ooey gooey mess.

  9. I noticed this as well. I also noticed that scents that had once burned wonderfully would have a slight chemical note to them while burning. BTW, I use tumbler style jars.

    My fix was combining the 4627 with soy wax. I found that they didn't take nearly as long to set up, the scents smell amazing, didn't have to change wicks and they burn perfectly without any black soot on the jars or smoking...even with FO load at 10%...even with the "heavier" oils.


  10. LOVE IT!

    Thanks so much, you guys put the creative wheels in motion! Hubby is on "dead man's profile" from Lasyk until Mar 3, so I will have his construction craftiness to take advantage of til then.

    Love the ideas about the crates, boxes and risers...and I absolutely agree with ya'll about the good attitude and friendly demeanor. It does make a huge difference.

    Time for me to start drawing up a plan!

  11. Warning: kinda long winded

    Ok. I will start off by saying that I have done maybe 5 small crafty person shows since MOOd SWInGS began in 2003. They were all indoors and were hosted by the local Church. Very simple.

    As I had mentioned previously, I have been working on candles again (WOOT!) Anyway, I went on the Fort Bragg MWR site earlier and discovered they have open registration for Homemade Craft Vendors at their Spring Fair. This is EXACTLY what I need to get the name out there and build up a nice customer base as the form shows expected attendance at 45,000. (overwhelming, but I will survive?)

    Registration includes a 10x10 booth, tent, table and 2 chairs. This is great, but it will be outside. I have never done an outside show, and have no clue as to how to even display my stuff. I am not too worried about the heat as it will be the last week in April (not too hot)

    I just finished reading the sticky posted on Craft Shows and all the info and advice was awesome, however, being extraordinarily decorationally challenged, I am needing advice. How in the world do I make a display that is 1) simple yet appealing 2) is not going to break the bank 3) be sturdy as this is outdoors. I have tons of decor around the house (dried greenery, tons of fabrics, etc) to I guess "finish" the look, but aside from the table they are providing, would any of ya'll share your thoughts and ideas on filling it all in?

    Thank you so much!

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