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Posts posted by beccakatzen

  1. You don't need a whole palm tree. So what the relationship between harvesting palm fruits and deforestation?

    Don't fruits keep on growing?

    If I harvest apples from an apple tree, the tree is still there, in my garden.

    I'm an ignorant, is someone able to explain it to me?

    I think it's because they are clearing the rainforests to plant palms. Like crops. The problem is that the are destroying a whole ecosystem. Not to mention how many species may go extinct because their habitats are becoming smaller and smaller and the rainforest is slowly but surely being destroyed.

    I like soy because it's grown here in America's farmlands. The soy that I use is 100% American grown.

  2. Sliverofwax: Thankyou so much. I mean seriously, I'm glad that you get it. That's all I wanted to know. It seems to make sense to me as well. I'm using ECO wicks that have been suggested to me from the candlescience wick guide but I just wanted to know what other people use for this type of wax. I have gotten great responses from some people. I agree, it's a simple question I don't need a whole freakin lesson. I wanted people who obviously have time on their hands if they are browsing through this forum to say, "Why yes! I use Golden Brand 464 wax and I have great results with ____ wick." that would take 5 seconds of someones time. LOL!!!! But thankyou for seeing this too :highfive:

  3. Nothing wrong with your question, don't worry about it. If you wanted to know what size wick you should use for every candle you are trying, then that is a problem because it is impossible to know. Also, if you have been around here for any length of time, I am sure you have found out the search feature leaves a lot to be desired.

    Thank you :smiley2: yes I searched for hours on this subject to find that I couldn't use words like bad or better in my search. It said that they were too broad of terms...so after I spent 4 plus hours reading through all the random and scattered info I just thought, "Well since I can't seem to find specifically what I'm looking for, why not post a new thread where whoever feels like answering me could." i figured that's what this forum is here for. I've been more than happy to help out by posting to answer others questions. Thanks so much for your comments though. I think it's pretty rude to tell people that they shouldn't ask questions. If it bothers people they just should ignore the posts. Anyways thanks for your optimism!

  4. Hi! I am not familiar with your wax but I can help with a few things. First of all I had issues with the flash point of oils too, until I read and learned that this is only an issue if you are directly putting the FO on an open flame/heat source by itself. Once it's in the wax which has a significantly higher flash point it's not a problem. Check on the flash point of your wax and as long as you don't go over that (which there is no need to go anywhere near the waxs flaspoint) then there's no problem.

    As far as fragrance load 6% would be 1oz of FO per lb of your wax.

    As far as batch size, if this is your first time making candles I would just do one lb at a time. Making candles is not something that can be rushed through. I started at 1 lb at a time, and still don't ever do more than 3 lbs at a time. It's just easier to work with keeping the wax in temperature range. Again I don't work with your wax, I use GB464 so I don't have an experience to offer you with that wax.

    I hope some of this helps! :wink2:

  5. Hi! I believe I may have a few suggestions for you to try. First of all if you are using a 3 oz container I imagine that it's a small jar. The ECO 14 wicks for for 3-3.5 diameter containers (it may be that your wick is too large and burning off the FO) I just went through this myself. Try the ECO 10 or ECO 8 wic depending on the diameter of your container. If you go to the candle science website they have a wick guide and you can put in what wax you are using and select the diameter of your container and it will give you some wick options. Also I add my FO at 185. I think adding the FO at the higher temp helps the FO to bind with the wax. Anyways just two suggestions that might help. Let us know how it turns out!

  6. Lol Judy, pretty much. I am new to this so was there a way to do a poll? That is exactly what I wanted. I like getting my supplies from Candle Science b/c they are half an hour from my house and I can just order and pick up. Unfortunately they do not sell the cdn wicks :sad2:

    But yes from my readings and the responses on here it looks like the top two choices are ECO and CDN wicks! Thanks everyone for your input!:yay:

  7. Wow Stella you are a real pessimist and kind of making this a hostile environment for beginers like me. I didn't realize that us newbies were overloading the system with our questions. I did spend hors reading through threads (until 3 am) but thought maybe it would be nice to actually have a thread that answered my specific question and to help others in the future. I just don't understand the problem here. I thought this was a tool to help and a forum for questions and discussion. Your answer to every question cannot be look at other posts, otherwise this would not be an open forum for discussion it would just be a list of procedures. I'm done with this and if you have a problem with me asking questions I'm sorry, just don't answer!

  8. I'm sorry, but it isn't that simple and you DO have to evaluate opinions, experiences and information for yourself. Many opposing viewpoints are discussed, thus it becomes each reader's responsibility to sift through the information presented, apply and test what is pertinent to your individual situation. Learning new skills does entail frustration because none of us was born knowing everything about everything. There is a HUGE compendium of research, information, opinions and experiences on this site that is FREE for those willing to use the search tool, read and test. Making quality candles requires a lot of work and study. There is no substitute for experience and active participation in learning. JMHO

    So Stella your problem with this thread is that Zi'm asking people who use GB464 what wicks they use and have had best results with. You wanted me not to post this thread and read through 500 posts to collect my data? I spent several hours reading through all of it. All I asked was for peoples experiences. I don't really see the problem with that. I've had a lot of helpful responses. I don't want to know specifically what wicks with my containers and FO....I will figure that out through test and trial. But if I get 9 out of 10 people telling me that for them a certain wick performs well for them with the GB464 then that might be a good starting point for me. If you don't use Gb464 and have an experience to share with me then you don't have to reply to this thread. Thank you to everyone else for sharing your good experiences with me. It looks like I'm going to give the cdns a try and compare to the ECO wicks! Great responses!! :yay::yay:

  9. I use the Eco 14 or 16. I double wick for the 14's. It's hard getting answers on here. After you ask for help people say figure it out yourself. It's very frustrating. Anyway I hope I helped. :)

    Jack thank you so much! I completely agree I'm just asking for suggestions from people to get a starting point, I mean I thought that's what this forum was for and it seems like there are more people telling me to just figure it out on my own. I don't want to test trial 20 different wicks it the majority of GB464 users are using the same kind of wicks (kind of like a poll to pick my top 2-3 choices). But thank you so much for answering my question :yay:

  10. Ok update on the candles. Let me first say I think I'm in love with tempering! I did not do this on purpose. For some reason the FO and wax did not bind properly with one of the candles. Not really sure what happened but I re-melted the candle, poured it back into my pouring pot, heated to 185 again and then let it cool to 100 (this was suggested to me by somone who had some beautiful candles with GB464) and I have never seen such a beautiful candle! The surface is smooth and creamy looking and as of now (4 hours after solidifying) there are no signs of frosting. Just need to let it cure for a few days, and then we'll see how the HT is! I believe pooring at 100 for GB464 is working wonders for me! I just hate the wait for the cooling

  11. OMG, Candle Science only half an hour away from your house? That would be just plain dangerous for me; I'd end up second-mortgaging our home! I would have a ball there, I'd go nuts!! No self-control when it comes to FOs... You lucky girl!

    Oh I know!!:yay::yay::yay: I had already chosen CS to get my supplies from and then when I went to check my shipping method I saw that local pick up was an option and that they were only half an hour away from me! It has been so awesome to just place an order and go pick it up! I do have to take off of work, or leave early to go there though and yes I end up going more often than I should. The whole, "Oh I really need some more containers...well since I'm going I should get this, and this, and this....but it's about the only thing I spend money on now so I feel it's justified.

  12. if you were looking at buying online from michales why not just but online from Peaks or candle science or any other candle place that sells things for candles and not a craft store, that would be your best route to take and then you can get sample packs of different sizes

    Hi, sorry I guess I should have clarified. I was looking online that those stores b/c I could go to them today and buy the wicks. I get all my stuff from Candlescience.com and lucky for me they are only a half hour from my house so I can go same day and pick up my items! SO AWESOME:yay:

    But sadly they are closed on the weekends and I was wanting to get some ECO 10's tomorrow (I had planned on making a bunch of candles this weekend and am very sad that I bought the wrong wick size!!!) So it kinda blew my Saturday plans of knocking out 20 or so candles

  13. Oh believe me I have been "testing" for about 8 months now. I have mostly been working with CBA but have called it quits b/c of it's poor HT. I was just curious what wicks people are using for GB464. I am using ECO wicks but thinking about changing if there are people out there that have had better HT with them. I'm not asking people to give me a perfect recipe, just what wicks they like. But thanks for your comment :D

  14. I suspect if yours are burning faster that you may be overwicking and burning off the FO.

    Stella I believe you are right! After reading this I kept thinking, "but these are the wicks that CS recommended with my wax and container size." Well I went back to their website and their wick guide and you are right! The wick I'm using is one wick sizes up from what I should be using. Somehow when I selected the container size the selection must have changed b/c it recommended I use an ECO 14 when I should be using an ECO 10. The opening of the conatiner is 2.5" with total diameter being 3". That really sucks because they are closed now until Monday and I can't test anything.

    Does anyone know of a retail store that might sell ECO wicks? I've looked online at Michaels, A.C. Moore and Hobby Lobby but can't seem to find them.... Big' ol crap! But hopefully the problem is solved and by getting the correct size wicks things should get better. I do have a larger container 3" diameter that I am trying with the same set up as before (other than I increased the FO to 1.3 oz/lb. Also I bought the Lou Anna CO and it does seem softer than what I was using and the color is different. So far so good, currently the candle is cooling, but smells great! I'll keep you all posted on how it turns out and how my candles turn out with the correct wicks! :rolleyes2

  15. Hi everyone! I am new to candle making and this forum and as others I am about to pull my hair out! I started with EcoSoya CB advanced and the candles looked great but the scent throw was pretty weak. I tried GB 464 and the candles don't look so great but the CT was much better, but not much better with the HT . I used some peoples advice and added CO. I just test burned 2 candles 1 CB advanced and 1 464. Though the CT is amazing on both candles the HT is non-existant :mad:

    Here is what I did please tell me what I've done wrong (I'm only concerend with the 464 now since I've decided it's the wax that I want to use--I'm giving them as Christmas presents and I don't want to give people candles that just smell like burning wax!)

    melted 1 lb of 464 to 185 with 1 tsp of CO

    added 1 salmon dye chip from CS

    added 1 oz grapefruit mangostein FO from CS

    removed from heat and stirred gently for 2 mins

    placed my 8oz mason jars in the oven set at 150 (for about 10 mins)

    removed jars a few minutes prior to pouring

    poured wax at 150 (I have tried all different pour temps and this gave the smoothest tops)

    I am using ECO 14 wics trimmed to 1/4"

    The smelled wonderfully strong while curing. I let them cure for 1 week.

    I test burned last night, wic trimmed to 1/4" and absolutely no HT at all. So what's up peoples? Any ideas. I talked with someone and I want to try and do a pour at around 110 to get rid of frosting, but would a lower pour temp increase HT? I am worried it's the wicks, maybe burning too fast but the melt pool had just reached the full width right at 1.5 hours so I don't think it's burning too fast or too hot. Could it be the brand of CO I'm using Harris Teeters Organic CO (it's the only one that they had) maybe I should be using the stuff from Walmart that I see everyone talking about. It doesn't give the temp like I've seen people saying the 76 degree one, but it says it's for medium high heat. I did have better HT before I used it so maybe it's the wrong type of CO????? Please help!!:confused:

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