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Posts posted by Jodie1011

  1. You can incorporate Paypal into your site by creating buttons to put under each product. You simply cut and paste the HTML for your created button via paypal, and go back into your GoDaddy template, use the menu on the left of the template to add your own HTML code. It will then let you paste it inside the box that comes up, and you can position it wherever you want it on the page. That way, you won’t need to pay Godaddy for an extra shopping cart feature.

  2. I agree with sockmonkey. Usually sending them a letter letting them know that you WILL report them to (for example) their state’s Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division, AND the Better Business Bureau will be enough to light a fire under them. If a personal letter from you doesn’t do the trick, I would go ahead and report them to both agencies. You can file a complaint online, and they will forward it to the company and give them a certain period of time to respond to your complaint. Good luck!

  3. Love your name and colors! Just to help you out, when you click on ‘enter site’ there is a typo on the first page. ‘Remember we are offer’ should be offering and also farther down on the page where it says ‘are you interested in a no hassel online candle party?’ It should be hassle. You can also hide the Godaddy logo at the bottom of your page by right-clicking on it inside of your template and selecting to “hide it”. (If you want to)

    Hope that helps! :highfive:

  4. I was just wondering if anyone had seen that Febreze commercial where the lady says she owns a candle shop (she’s smiling brightly and saying “this is my candle shop!”) but AT HOME she uses Febreze because candles are not always convenient around her family. It says you can get the same great scent, without the hassle of a candle. I was really surprised when I saw that commercial, and I actually stopped to rewind it to make sure I understood it correctly. LOL ;)

  5. I don’t make soap, but I did buy some homemade soap that I loved. I had quite a few bars. Next thing I knew my mother-in-law took it ALL and was passing it around to her friends. I didn’t realize it until I went to get a new bar and it was ALL GONE. My husband had told me he given her a bar of soap, but I didn’t know he meant ALL OF IT. :shocked2:

  6. I forgot to mention that some time afterwards, we discovered he didn’t just “leave” the company my husband works for, (like he claimed) it turns out he was fired for stealing cash AND passing merchandise to his wife out the back door.

    Boy did we learn a BIG lesson from that whole experience. This all happened over Christmas time, and it caused such a headache it nearly ruined our holidays. My friend had helped me with the rush job we did for the guy, and I promised her some money when he paid us. Needless to say, him not paying us for that long made me feel horrible since she was ALSO waiting. After a few weeks, I ended up paying her out of my own pocket because she was saying things like she had promised her daughter a doll, and now couldn’t buy one. I thought I was doing something nice by offering her the opportunity to make some extra money as well, and it turned into a nightmare. Ah well, live and learn. :)

  7. Thanks so much for your input guys! I really do appreciate it. Sometimes you need an outside opinion on things. We have gone round and round debating the pro’s and con’s. I think for the time being I’m going to stick with Fragrance Oils (which I have already been using in Soy Wax) I’m not going to claim that they are “natural” or anything along those lines. My goal is to continue learning as much as I can about this whole process, and ensure that I am making a safe candle. I might experiment with Essential Oils just for the fun of it! J But for right now, I enjoy the wide variety offered to me by using Fragrance Oils.

    I never would have guessed when I started making candles how addicting it is!! I swear every store I go in now I have to check out the candle aisle. The last store we went in we started asking a lot of questions, and I think they thought we were mystery shoppers or something. LOL :)

  8. (Hanging my head in shame…LOL)

    I hate to say it, but that wasn’t even the icing on the cake. To top things off, he wanted us to do a “side” project for the company he worked for. He begged us to do it, so before we agreed we submitted a quote and made sure it was approved before we got started. It was something they needed done in 48 hours, so we (mostly me) worked around the clock to complete it by the Monday morning deadline. We finished on time, submitted it and they said it looked great. All that was left was for them to PAY US the 3800 they owed us. Needless to say, all of the sudden this guy was having a hard time (supposedly) getting his boss to cough up the money. Over and over he told us that oh, they would cut a check on Thursday, or gee I’m sorry, the accounting girl is on vacation. He made excuse after excuse. Then he showed up at my husband’s job, offering to get the check if he agreed to give him a certain percentage of it!!! This went on for over two months. Finally, I looked the company up online and called the accounting department. THEY HAD NO CLUE ABOUT ANY OF THIS! So, I ended up contacting his boss directly. The guy went crazy and couldn’t believe we went over his head to get paid. We were honest with his boss and said that we had been getting the run around for nearly three months. The boss immediately wired the money to our bank account and apologized.

    Boy did we learn A LOT from that experience. After all was said and done, my husband changed his cell phone number so this guy couldn’t get in touch with him anymore, and he finally got the hint. We never did hear how his Furniture/Jewelry “store” was doing. LOL ;)

  9. Thought I’d share this story…

    Awhile back, my husband and I were hard at work on developing our business. He happened to know this guy he used to work with, that kept asking about what we were doing, and saying stuff like how he wished HE could do that, and “Wow, what a great idea!” Well, he ended up asking my husband if he could do some marketing for us. My husband didn’t say yes, but he said something to the effect of we aren’t at that point yet, where we can take on employees, etc.

    Anyway, a couple of days later – this guy submitted a proposal to us IN WRITING. It was literally four pages, and low and behold he was our new “Vice President” (I’m not kidding!) and somehow I was listed as the company Secretary. (Never mind the fact that I am the one doing all the work, as my hubby as a full time job) In this ‘Proposal’ he listed his demands. He wanted us to pay for him to build a ‘home office’, we were to pay for his phone line, his cell phone bill, a computer complete with software he needed ( and he listed all the software of course) Oh, he also wanted an allowance so that he could take prospective clients to lunch every day. To top it off he wanted 30% of all sales from clients he referred to us. Geez, actually now that I think about it, it sounded more like a ransom note! LOL

    Boy was he upset when we set him straight. He decided that he was going to open up a furniture store (that also sold jewelry) in his garage. (Yes, I am as confused about that one as I am sure you are)

    Anyhow, that was so totally nut-so I just had to share with you. Has anybody ever had something like that happen? Or are we just lucky? :laugh2:

  10. I’d like to introduce myself, my name is Jodie and I have been lurking for awhile. I have a question for you guys and I would love your opinion. We’ve been making container candles for about a year and a half, and we’re (husband and I) interested in moving forward with our candle business. Right now we are stuck debating over whether to use Fragrance Oils or Essential Oils. He’d like to use ONLY essential oils, and I’m torn, because I love the wide selection of fragrance oils there are available. He feels that it would be better business wise to use essential oils – making our candles “cleaner”, I agree with him to an extent, but I am wondering if we would be limiting ourselves. I came across some information while searching for a Market Analysis online that said the candle industry is “struggling” due to the fact that there are SO many other choices out there for scenting a home. (Plug-in air fresheners, Sprays, Scented Oils, etc.) So if that’s the case, and people (the analysis said 96% of candle buyers are women) purchase a candle primarily for the scent, wouldn’t fragrance oils be better because we would have more options to entice customers? ARGH! I hope you guys can understand this. We’ve been having a friendly debate for awhile about this, and as you can see I could really use some outside input. I tried talking about this with friends/family, but not being interested in the whole candle thing – they just don’t get it. Anyway, your input and opinions are much appreciated. Thanks in advance!:rolleyes2

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