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Posts posted by virginiastreetcandles

  1. Just when things seem like they are going great ahhh an issue :) has anyone ever had their Zinc wicks turn to ash? I lit a Cinnamon Candle in my bathroom, went to check on it and the flame was barely there, the wick did not mushroom but turned to a white ash. Any suggestions? (Im thinking too much fo)

  2. I just started using this wax not too long ago. I switched from 4627. I miss the HT&CT from 4627 but I hated the wet spots etc. I did everything any thing to try and avoid the little things that made me aggrivated nothing much helped so I switched and tried this wax. I love how the 06 sets up its very nice to handle and it tops off very well. But some fragrances do not have much of a throw as did the 27 :(

    For those of you who use this wax could you please point me in the direction of the best smelling Lemon Fragrance? Nothing cakey more of a natural Lemon or Lemonade. Thanks guys :) Would love to hear what other fragrances you guys think throws well in 6006.

  3. How does everyone who uses the 6006 like it? Ive used nothing but the 4627 and just poured my first 6006 candle last night...im not sure if the scent throw is as good as the 4627 (coarse i am guilty of lighting it before waiting the 24hr period to cure lol cant help it) but i do agree that it topped off very well, its easier to work with and its a beautiful thick rich creamy looking wax...(also used with a zinc wick)

  4. Thanks everyone would have responded sooner but was enjoying this fine fine weather we had :) I hope to firgure it all out soon :) and Im sure you will be seeing me around in this section lol

  5. Good mornin thanks for the reply :) I def thought about the CP...but then it just seems like to many ingrediants for me...I have 3 children and one on the way so its like ahhhhhhhhhhhhh gotta keep stuff out of reach...my little one already breaks into my candle stuff and gets my tarts walking around smelling them all day lol....

    So I thought maybe the MP would work better...I def try to do the research but theres sooo many opinions warnings ingrediants etc etc is like WHICH WAY DO I GO GEORGE WHICH WAY DO I GO.....LOLOLOL

    So keep it simple right? I just wanna know which is best shea butter ....cocoa butter mp? Which I guess Ill just have to buy a block of each and try it....

    One of my most fav soap pics are the ones that have half oatmeal aww so spa like :) and of coarse all the swirly ones......must do must have.......now days it just seems like ppl head towards the body wash and be done with it.....I def want to do it...I guess I just strive for the GET IT ON THE FIRST TRY motto lol...which I know is sometimes not possible that is why I hoped someone would share some secrets. I dont want to make tons of soap and they not sell.

    Hope everyone has a great morning :) tootles:tiptoe:

  6. Hello and GM! Im a newbie but wont bite so dont shoot! Ok...so....as like many I have ventured over from Candles to Soap....I stayed far away from trying different things but my curiosity got me!!

    I ordered a Soap Kit from Natures Garden....coarse I had no clue which soap to get ...ended up getting Goats Milk.

    After my photo adventure this morning and viewing everyones fine BEAUTIFUL soap...compared to my "Hotel" looking soap (lol) I am in ...awwww.....

    I def want to roll with the big soap makers! I def want only the best outcome for customers therefore I def need INSIDE help.

    After I sampled my own product I felt the soap was real slick and dried my hands immediately....dove straight for lotion. I odnt know if its because Im use to body wash and liquid soap but I definately didnt want to touch it again. The kids enjoyed it in the tub tho :)

    Whats the best, lathering...bubbly...scent holding soap? I am thinking about ordering Shea Butter.....any thoughts?

    Ive seen some Loaf pics...aww so cute! and I love the blocks of soap that have like a "jagged" end...I am taking it you get that from the loaf top? ughghghgg super excited to learn it all....

    WHOS IN IT WITH ME hehe :yay:

  7. This past weekend I entered my first Bazzar showing! I "think" I did pretty good, I made back the money it cost for my materials and maybe about $70 more so to me I hope that was good just for a 4 hour Bazzar.....it wasnt advertised very well and I do have quite a lot left sooo.......

    Heres the good news....YAY....the head person who set up the Bazzar just called me and wanted to know if I.....little ol me :) would come to her open house and set up as well. She told me she loved loved loved my candle and that she would never buy another one from a store again :)

    She also asked if I had any CHRISTMAS FRAGRANCES.....so heres where I need some help beings I just started making candles not too long ago.....WHAT DO YOU GUYS USE?? Whats your BEST sellers that your customers just LOVE!!??

    Thanks for sharing everyone,if you dont mind fill me in on new sites....I LOVE looking at new sites and all the fragrances......I HOPE YOU GUYS HAVE SOME GOOD ONES FOR ME :) TY ALL Im all in smiles right now heheheeh:yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:

  8. Last year I got one of the most famous gifts ever :) Popcorn tin, it had such a cute pic on it of 3 snowmen, Ive always liked the pretty pictured tins just didnt know what to do with them after the kids demolished the popcorn. I have figured it out!

    I took a nail and hammer....even tho Im sure there has to be an easier way ..... and punched holes around the middle snowman...I was going to do the other 2 snowmen but by then my fingers were hurting.....in the back of the tin at the botton I had my husband punch out a hole so I could string my Christmas lights through it, decorated around the lid with a strand of Christmas looking pearl garland plugged it up and waala! The Christmas lights sparkled through the holes I punched...everyone loves it! :yay:

  9. well, i have heard the baby wipe one before but i have never heard the upside down oven thing.......after i pour some candles i put my pouring pot back into the boiling water and squirt germ-x (the green one) in my pot, when it starts bubbling grab some paper towels.....it not only gets out the color but the previous fragrance as well due to the alcohol in it. i have never used water either. good luck :)

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