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Posts posted by JulieM

  1. Thank you LuminousBoutique!

    I certainly don't want anyone to tell me it is easier that it really is. I recently quit my job, which was a good thing healthwise, but now I need to focus on something else. I have all day everyday to work on it, and I am determined. I am very excited about starting to play around with everything, but don't have high expectations for my first batch. LOL If that makes any sense. I know it is work, and I am up for the challenge.

    Thank you for your input. I need all of it I can get.

  2. Nursenancy,

    Thank you! I am planning on starting with the body butter, then the lotion and then maybe the soaps. I have yet to really research the soaps but the things I have read make me glad I am starting with the other products first.

    I love your saying on your post, "Some days it's just not worth chewing through the restraints."

    Thanks again!


  3. Faerywren,

    Oh, let me rephrase. I plan on learning all of those things, just not at the same time. I hope to figure them out one at a time. Good thing I like to read. Thank you for the advice, and welcome!

  4. I think I'm in love with this forum! I can't wait to get some stuff ordered and start playing around with it. I hope to get something figured out in time to give some of this as Christmas gifts.

    Please tell me it won't take that long to figure out! :)

  5. Hi there.

    I am a newer than new newbie. About a month ago I quit my job, and have been looking for something else. While visiting our kids I ran across a small shop selling body butters, soaps, lotions, candles, etc. I told my husband that I would love to do that. I don't want to have a store, but would like to at least learn how to make all the goodies and sell them. But I want to figure it all out first. I ran across this forum, and have now spent all day here. :rolleyes2

    I am thinking that I would like to start with Lotions, body butters and soaps. Is that a lot to start with?

    Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated! I will try not to drive everyone mad with my questions.

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