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Posts posted by MandyStutler4907

  1. Yeah, I definitely know what you mean! I just have a free site as of now, but I can upgrade it to paid at any time, and get my own domain name so that it can be found through search engines and such. But, i'm not really trying to get so much traffic or sales at the moment.

    I just published it, so my first step is to post it to my crafting forums to get fellow candle/b&b makers opinions on how to make it better. Then, I plan to upgrade to a paid site with my own domain, and show it off anywhere that I can.

    I've actually got much more to do. I also make jewelry, baby products (bibs, soft blocks, burping cloths..), crayons, crayon rolls, potholders, oven mitts, coasters, tooth fairy pillows, etc. So, as soon as I find the time, I need to incorporate that into my site..

  2. Thank you everyone! I appreciate each of you taking time to look at my site to give me your suggestions.

    As far as the various scents for the candles, I do have drop down menus. I will, however, go back and edit anything without it to make it look more professional, I just hadn't had the time yet.

    I noticed that just about every reply was criticizing the pictures! Thank you very much, guys! Your tips and suggestions are very helpful, and I will definitely be keeping each of them in mind this week as I try to solve those problems.

    I will also work on being consistent in my font/size/color, etc. That was definitely something I noticed myself, actually.

    I'll be working hard on my site with any free time I get this week, so that I can try to correct the problems you've all pointed out to me. I plan to repost my thread ASAP so that you guys will hopefully critique it again. Lol..

    Thanks =)

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