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Posts posted by Tobikiri

  1. So I have this burning desire to make coffee scented incense. I'm one of those people that love the smell of coffee, but don't particularly enjoy the taste of it.

    I'm finding out through my own experience as well as reading reviews from others that coffee scent might be one of those that doesn't do well for incense. Smells great out of the bottle, but doesn't translate in the burning.

    So, I'm turning to you guys!

    Have any of the incense makers on this forum found a good coffee FO that works in incense? I'm interested in blending supporting fragrances so just a basic "coffee" would suffice.

    Thanks so much!

    edit: Wow, that pun in the first sentence really wasn't intentional. *groans*

  2. I suppose I'm willing to try the PVC pipe thing. I'd probably use a larger size than the one in the video.

    But I have the same question... can you store the oil in the PVC? I guess I could assume that since the pvc (and the glue to hold the bottom cap on) would stand up to the oil during the 24-hour soaking process that it should be able to withstand long term exposure to the oil.

    I just don't want to have a bunch of containers around to store the oil and then another bunch of containers to use to soak. But I suppose I don't necessarily have to have as many soaking containers as I have scents. I could just make a handful of the pvc soaking containers and wash them between uses.

    Thanks guys, I really appreciate your suggestions!

  3. After trying several different containers for soaking my incense, I'm asking you guys if you've ever used Ziploc brand (or other brand) food storage bags to soak your incense?

    I've tried the foil, but it rips. And it seems like such a waste, financially and ecologically since you can't recycle foil.

    I've tried those plastic, interlocking utensil storage bins, but they're not HDPE and I can't put the oils directly into them. I tried lining with foil, but, well, see above regarding foil.

    I've tried vases, but even at thrift stores and wholesale manufacturers, it gets pricey if I want to do more than several batches. And I've already got lots of jars around to store the leftover oils when not in use.

    I want something inexpensive, reuseable, closeable, and won't take up much space.

    I have considered the idea of using the water bottles... could soak the incense in them and then just keep the oil in them to store. But I'm having difficulty finding them tall enough. Straight sides would be nice, too. Another bonus would be a wider mouth.

    That's when I thought that perhaps the larger, ziplocking food storage bags might be a possibility. I could store the oils in the bags as well as use them to soak the sticks.

    My research is telling me that they're made of polyethylene. Will the oils react with that? Does it HAVE to be the high density polyethylene?

    Has anyone tried it successfully?

    Thanks for any help!

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