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Posts posted by chrissycandlea

  1. I made my first emulsified body butter and I'm liking the texture and thickness, only thing is it is a little bit too greasy feeling for me and the glide isn't as good as I would like. I used IPM, what else should i be doing to improve on these issues? I read about hydrovance, but i'm not really sure if this would help me. Has anyone used this?

  2. when i first whipped it up i liked the consistency, after sitting overnight it is rock hard.. think i may need to add more oils. i only made a small batch as it was my first attempt and didn't want to ruin a huge one! thank you for your advice i will definitely try to remelt and maybe add a little more oil :)

  3. hi everyone. i have been enjoying reading everyone's posts so much ive decided to take the dive from candlemaking into b&b. i want to start with a body butter and i have finally got my shipment of supplies today. my question is what besides the addition of water, is the difference between emusified body butter and just a whipped body butter? i have found some recipes that call for no water while others do.

    is the consistency of the finished product different? my goal would be to have a non greasy thick body cream. any input will be greatly appreciated:)

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