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Posts posted by bluebird914

  1. Thanks everyone for the replies! At least now I know it's not just me having these crazy problems! I've been searching through forums for crackle but so far havent found any info yet...still looking though. I will try lowering the heat and see what happens.

    Kitn, I would LOVE to hear your results on the clay :cheesy2:

  2. Hello everyone!! PLEASE HELP....I am at my wits end here and any help would be apreciated!! Every time I use titanium dioxide, my soap seems to separate. It has clearish (maybe gycerin-like) lines running through entire batch....giving it a kind of marbled or mottled look. I have switched from water based titanium to oil base, I have put it in beginning of process with base oils and I have put it in later...like light trace maybe. My different batches have gelled and not gelled. Nothing seems to matter because it keeps doing the same thing. The last batch I used 3/4 tsp. and added that to my 2.14 lbs of oils so I don't think I'm using too much. I really want whiter soap and am getting veerrrry confused :confused:

    also, was wondering if white clay would help make a whiter soap????

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