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Posts posted by Synascents

  1. I've been buying my gel for several years from a lady on eBay.


    Thanks for the link on that one!

    I only live 10 mins from NG and for 30lbs I still would be paying way more without the shipping and the link you gave us, I am actually saving almost $30 that is with shipping and only getting 5 lbs less of wax!




  2. Thought I would share with you what my husband has been working on.

    He just finished this over the weekend and I think he has done a wonderful job on it...especially with the detail carving.

    He has been wanting to do for this for a time and his machine that he has been building is what has taken forever to build is now complete!

    We have this one on ebay

    Quilt Rack on Ebay

    Here is the pic of the quilt rack


    A close up of the Silhouette


  3. Hi Lynn

    I would definately contact paypal because it does sound like one of those links to where it is not actually paypal contacting you but a scam.

    Type in the addy to paypal, sign in then you can contact them from there or send it directly to paypal..one way of knowing is if it says Dear Paypal customer and it doesn't show your actual name.

    Had that happen before and have never heard of paypal account expiring.

    Hope this helps


  4. Scented

    It certainly does and I appreciate that!

    Thank You

    I have bought practically all of my oils from NG since I live only 10 mins away and slowly I have been buying from different suppliers because of the different scents that they do offer. Though will still get majority of my scents from NG

    Thanks Again!


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