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Aralins's Mommy

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Posts posted by Aralins's Mommy

  1. Hello Everyone...

    I purchased some stearic acid because I read here that it can increase the load of fragrance oil that a candle can retain. Without the stearic acid, the candle's hot throw is good but I want a killer throw when hot. The kind that makes your nose burn =) It's just a personal preference I suppose but, I really would like to make them even stronger if possible....So, my questions are 1) How much stearic acid should I add per pound and 2) By how much can I increase the FO?

    This is what I'm using:

    Wax: 464

    Fragrance Oil: Peach (Candle Science)

    Fragrance Oil Amount: 12% (2 oz/lb) (This is the max fragrance listed on the CS website)

    Additives: 1 teaspoon Coconut Oil

    Wick: ECO 14

    Container: 8 oz aluminum tin

    Any help would be greatly appreciated....



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