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Posts posted by Pierre

  1. Check it out everyone. Procap by Dinex (Dinex is the manufacturer, but they don't allow direct orders...only through their distributors).

    This website offers a TON of different sizes of lids, and Dinex is the manufacturer that makes the ones that Candles and Supplies sells (I'm pretty sure of it).


  2. Anyone know where I can get either the cheap plastic lids (dust covers) for the 14oz tumblers, that are about 3 1/8" to 3 1/4" in diameter, or the fancier silver ones with fitments, at the best prices? I know fillmore has them but 17 cents per piece sounds steep to me, for a little plastic lid that probably costs fractions of a penny to produce.

  3. Not sure what the minimums are (I know they are higher than most of the suppliers mentioned on here) but you can try Wicks Unlimited, and Precision Wicking. They are the distributors that sell the wicks directly to most, if not all, the suppliers mentioned here.

    By the way, I don't know what wax you are using, nor do I know your fragrance load, but I can all but guarantee that an Eco 2 will not work, by itself, in a 2.5" diameter container. You will likely have to wick up from that.

  4. Do you mind me asking how well they all throw? The purpose of this thread is actually to get a feel for their strongest throwing oils.

    Favorites, in terms of how they smell, are subjective. What I like, you might not, and vice versa, but, scent throw is slightly less subjective. Are there any that you would say throw particularly well?

  5. I must say that, given they are almost all $9.99/lb I am VERY impressed. I was extremely skeptical and ordered only a couple of samples (Clean Cotton, Wash Day, Cucumber Melon, and Honeydew Melon) and, they are ALL very strong throwing. In fact, I absolutely ADORE CandleScience and Bert's Cuc Melon FAR outthrows the CS version. Although the CS version is probably a slightly truer dupe to the BBW version, the Bert's one is significantly stronger.

    So, now that my skepticism is out of the way I was wondering if any of you have any suggestions for some VERY strong throwing oils from Bert's. I have searched and for sure will be ordering the Dark Chocolate Mint that you all rave about.

    I just a paraffin container blend, by the way, so their performance in soy isn't a big concern (to me).

    I would love to hear some suggestions for oils that throw very strongly and, if possible, and in the spirit of helping each other out, some oils that did NOT do well for you, so that I might stay away from those.

    Thanks in advance to everyone.

  6. Ok folks, so here is the situation. We've always used a Libbey 14 oz tumbler (the 918cd, specifically) and have always double wicked, as this is a 3 3/8" diameter jar. We use J-50 and double wick almost exclusively with Eco-1. There are a couple of tougher oils that require an Eco-2.

    Now on to my question. We are now introducing a new line of Apothecary jars and in testing with the 26oz apothecary (we buy ours from TV Guilfoil), we seem to be having trouble with even the Eco-2's. I am fairly certain that it's due to the fact that as it gets further down into the jar, oxygen deprivation becomes more extreme, and the flames become smaller and smaller.

    The Eco-2's have done slightly better than the Eco-1's, but still not quite good enough. In your opinions, would moving up to Eco-4's do the trick?

    I'm partial to Eco series wicks as I've found them to be the most reliable, and we have tested extensively. Most every other wick was unusable in our double wicking, even with the aforementioned tumblers, as they would always drown out. Not sure if it has to do with the Eco's construction or what, but it seems that it requires less oxygen to maintain a nice, strong flame.

    Having said that, I don't HAVE to use them so if anyone has experience double wicking this type of container (the larger apothecary style jars), please let me know what you have used, and how it has worked for you.

    Thanks in advance to everyone.


  7. Is there a supplier specializing in designer fragrance dupes, meant for candles? Thinks like Light Blue by Dolce and Gabbana, Cool Water, Stella, Eternity, etc, etc, etc?

    I can find the dupes easily but, most of the time they seem to be more meant for soaps and b&b. Anyone know of a good supplier specializing in them, that throw well in candles?

  8. Hey everyone. I need some suggestions for the STRONGEST throwing (not necesarily your favorite, but rather, the strongest throwing...hot throw specifically), Clean Cotton/Fresh Linen type scents?

    I've searched through the archive and don't see anything RECENTLY. I know alot of people used to recomend WillowWoods (and I checked and they do still have this fragrance). I use CS alot and they have Sun Washed Linen and Clean Cotton, either of which would fit the bill...how do they throw?

    I also read a thread where almost unanimously, people recommended Peak's Clean Cotton. Is it a very strong throwing fragrance? I would love to hear your thoughts. I wanted to see if I could pick 5-7 of the most recommended to order samples of, before making my own decision and hopefully reporting back here.

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