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Posts posted by lovinit

  1. Thanks everyone for your helpful replies. Sorry it's taken me so long to get back on here.

    I just ordered some more soy wax, even threw in a kg of palm wax as well as some new fragrances and colors to try again :)

    Starr - thanks for the candlescience website, i will take a look at it. I am glad i am not the only one with the frosty color, i thought i had done something wrong! I havent yet shaved the uneveness of the bottom of the candles yet, i am to scared i might butcher them, will get round to it and post some pics in the weeks to come :)

    lindanelson - thanks for the tip of the black and putting some wax onto the paper first to see the color - will be doing that when i try out my candles again this weekend!

    stella1952 - i bought the soy wax from an online retailer who said they're container suitable, once again not sure about size of wick as this was all put together for me by the lady who owns this online store also the mould was a plastic one cherbus design. This time around i bought from a different supplier and purchased - Golden Brands Container Soy GW444. ***NEW CDN 4, 17.5cm*** for the wick and the container i am using is Aluminium Round Mould 50 x 165mm. I hope this is going to prove a better investment this time around :)

    topofmurrayhill - i bought several different fragrances this time so going to be trying those out,also can we use essential oils for scenting?

    debra phelps - 175 - 185? are we talking degrees celcius or farenheit?

    dejablue - i am mixing in the fragrance just before pouring at about 65 degrees celcius!

    Thanks again everyone for your help and when i can get my camera working i will post some pics.

    I have some more soy wax left here (about 1.5kg) so i am going to play with that on the weekend and see how i go until i get my other order with the other wax and fragrances :)

  2. I bought some soy wax from a reputable online retailer for wax and candle supplies, melted the wax, added color and fragrance, i did these right towards the end when the wax was cooled and ready to pour. I poured at 65 degress celcius.

    The candles turned out well and they burn fantastic but i cant smell any fragrance. I used a good quality candle fragrance from the retailer, so i must've gone wrong somewhere.

    Does anyone have any hints or ideas?

    Any help would be so greatly appreciated.

    The other minor problem i am having, is with the moulds i am using (a heart shaped one and a cherub one) they dont stand to straight as there is a wax 'imbalance' at the bottom. Is this normal and is it ok to "shave" off the excess wax with a knife?

    I wanted red candles and used a fair amount of the color block and the best i could come up with was a frosted red color. Was there something wrong with the dye block i used? As i wanted a real deep red type color?

  3. Topofmurrayhill thankyou soooooooo much for replying to my post. It is so greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for that link to the website. I will take a look at that now.

    I certainly will make the thread you suggested 'looking for aussie suppliers' I have done a search and couldnt find to many that looked ok. The one i posted originally seemed to the only one i could find.

    Thanks again! :yay:

  4. Hello everyone,

    I am so glad to have found this forum.

    I have always loved candles (burning them) and have always wanted to make my own but i am not very 'crafty' so i've always backed off as i didn't know where to start.

    I'd love to give it a try.

    If anyone could point me in the right direction as to what i need to buy to get started as i know absolutely nothing about candles :)

    I did find this website for supplies (I am in Australia)


    Been looking to buy a few things off there but am a bit unsure of what i need. All looks very confusing.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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