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Posts posted by lizzylu

  1. I'm using about 9% EO. I'm using a 3x4" glass tumbler, with approx 9 oz. of ecosoya CB advanced wax. For the first burn, there is a perfect mp (to the sides), about 1/4" deep, great flame size, great scent throw (cold and hot), etc. I usually do my first burn for about 6 hours, and future test burns for that amount too. Too much EO maybe?? Thanks :)

  2. I use ecosoya CB Advanced. For one of my scents, the flame will start out large, then after a few hours practically extinguish itself with a very small blue flame. I use essential oils and a CD22 wick for that one (have tried cd16, cd20, etc.). It starts with a perfect burn pool and scent, but once the flame shrinks, the burn pool shrinks and there's no scent. Any idea why? Thanks so much :):confused:

  3. Hi everyone! I'm having horrible problems with ecosoya CB Advanced. I use them for 3" container candles with essential oils. I used to use a CD 16 wick, which worked great, but recently it has not. So, I upped to CD 22. Now my wick starts out great, burns to the edge with a larger flame, but after about 7 hours, the flame gets much smaller, and on the 2nd light, the flame is very small. Why is this, and do you have a suggestion for a different wick? Thanks so much!!

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