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Posts posted by Lyschel

  1. Hello,

    Something else to think about :) Have you tried a CDN wick? They were actually made for stearic acid candles. They are basically the same wick as the CD (made for paraffin) but with a different end treatment so they can stand up to the more acidic nature of palm waxes. In a 3" container I would need about a base wick (wax only-no scent, dye or additives) of a CDN16.

    Also, I am wondering how long you burned your candle for the first couple of burns? For every hour of diameter it should be about an inch of diameter that it burns out. Also, I don't ever expect my containers to burn all of the way to the edges until they are about an inch down. Otherwise they become torches when they reach the bottom. Granted these expectations are for paraffin and soy in a container that is at least 3" deep and the palm is harder so it will be a bit different.


  2. Pam, I am wondering what percent you use it at? I know that when it the percent gets up there it covers up some of the really pretty more delicate notes. So when folks open up the container they get wacked with the scent and don't give it a chance. You may need to use less?

  3. LOL, Sue I don't usually chime in here but GET THAT PUPPY IN WAX ;) All of my stuff smells weird in the bottle.

    Ya know what the next thing I am going to ask you is right? Well second thing anyway. I haven't heard about your little peanut lately.

    Wax, wax, wax.....Never go by our of bottle there are carrier oils in my scents that burn off but some of them are weird. :)

  4. Hi Carmen,

    I have the results for Tulip and they are soap and lotion safe.

    Since the Scent Event Scents were all created for candles they are not tested for Skin usage unless someone want the info. Why do the extra work if noone wants it right :) But I can get the results for you by sending them to the lab. it may take up to 2 weeks. If you could help me out and send me an e-mail I would really appreactie it since my memory is just horrible since I had this baby :)


    talk to you soon,


  5. Flammable items cannot be mailed. Most FO's are combustable NOT flameable. It depends on the Flash Point. And darn if I can't remember what the cut off point is. Basically if you got it in the mail you can certainly mail it out. You just have to mark not flammable liquid on the package. HTH :)

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