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Posts posted by WarDaddy

  1. Thanks for the support, again! I am using Soy Wax, the 444 blend from CandleScience

    I have an unknown amount of wax in the presto, I use it to melt the wax. From the presto it goes to a pyrex measuring cup, where I mix in color and FO. I use a medicine measuring cup, 1 fl oz, to add my FO to my 2 cups (16 fl oz) of wax.

    I have been adding my FO at about 150-160 now. Pouring the wax into the containers aat 140ish. I am getting some frosting from the cool containers, so I should be warming them a bit more I think.

    all in all, people I have shown them to and given to test are VERY happy with the results. there is a little cracking on the surface of the cooled candle, but for my project, oh well, I can deal with that later, if I ever do this again.

    I will try and get some pictures in the next few days...

  2. So I am about 2 hours into the first burn.

    The mouth of the jar is only 1.75 inches and it was a total pool in about 1.5 hours. The pool is remaining shallow, no smoke at all, flame is remaining nice and short, glass is not hot to the touch. The Scent throw is ok, I can smell it a room away, but we also have a lot of overpowering smells from dinner.

    I am aware that no scale hinders me, however I am compensating this way...

    I have built my Presto wax melter, and have a pool of nice warm 175 degree wax (may up it to 180, color chips are not fully melting). I fill it to 16 fluid ounces, and am adding 1 fl oz of FO to that. this formula will remain constant, the fluid volume of the wax at a constant temp will remain constant. While it is not as exact as the weight method, I will be able to adjust FO, and Color chips as my burn tests suggest. not perfect, but for what I have to invest (I have blown my budget) I am doing OK. Seeing the are free gifts, they look pretty good.

    Thanks for the support, I am sure CandleScience is loving me. I had to place an order for lids, forgot those... oops.

  3. I said, honey what about making Candles for everyone for Christmas. She says, well...I guess, if you think you can do it, you have $200.

    So I found you, you all convinced me I could do it. I read and reread, and read some more.

    So I purchased 144 little 4oz jars, 50 lbs of 444, color chips, wicks, various FO and off I went...

    Last night I melted 16fl oz of wax (I need a scale), in a home made double boiler, pulled the wax off at 170, added color, at 145 added 3/4oz of Pumpkin Souffle mixed until 130 and poured 5 candles.

    I must say, the house smells mighty fine. My 7 year old son says "Daddy I want to eat pie." The next morning my 4 year old says, Mommy, can I eat those candles? So far I would have to say, YIPEE!!!!!!!

    I am making my own presto melter tonight and going to try and do more than 2 cups of wax at a time.

    Fun Stuff this!

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