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Posts posted by powderblueboutique

  1. I took a ph reading and it read around 8-9. I made it about a week ago. So its definitely not a ph problem. Probably just the unsaponifiables.

    Will head advice and neutralize if I sf lower. But question: what is a good sf range to start with? I was thinking 2-3, but correct me if I am wrong :)

    Thanks :)

  2. Hi all! I have been experimenting with liquid soap...just a few of thought up recipes (crock pot). the first recipe i did not add cocoa butter. second recipe I did.

    Let me rewind. The first recipe I made entirely liquid castile. Second was a mix of rice bran coconut, olive oil and castor. third was the same previous but added cocoa butter.

    I have noticed some separating. But not what you and I would usually think of. The liquid still remains "soap", but there is an apparent large "glob". It isn't hard, but soft, and moves fluid. I have noticed this with all of the batches, and shook the container: all was well. However, this recipe needs quite a bit more "help".

    Is this normal for Liquid soap (either way having to redistribute after time)? I have recipe calculated, tongue tested, yadayada :) Feels great on the skin as well.

    Any advice from liquid soap makers greatly appreciated, Thanks!

  3. Geesh! This is a vehicle for us to use too if we can break into the visual media, radio, papers etc. We have to make reporters aware that what's going on in committees has the potential to shut down small businesses in their backyards etc. It would be great to get Brian Williams on this or someone from 60 minutes or there are so many vehicles.

    I did contact them and give that particular station some information. Doubt it will help, but atleast I gave it a shot! After reading all of this, I just couldn't sit still after seeing that lame clip. Way to educate the public, lol.

    We have a store here called made in oregon (handcrafted and small business products all made here). I wonder if they have caught wind of this? More people to contact!

  4. Ok. So I was thinking. Is there a way to make Melt and Pour stick to CP soap after the CP has set up/ect? I'm asking because I'm thinking of trying a bundt cake thing, but want to drizzle something over it. Well, I don't want to make a fresh batch of CP just to make the drizzle, and I've got the problem that the mold is upside down. Curved on the bottom of the mold, flat on top. It's silicone, so no interaction issues. But can I do something with the MP soap on top of it after it comes out of the mold? Do I need to spritz it with alcohol? Or how does this work? :confused:

    I did try this years ago, It stayed for a few days and then separated from the soap.

    Alcohol isn't a binding agent, I cannot see how that would help.

    How about this: Make your mp drizzle, pour it in the bunt cake mold in the same fashion you would want the drizzle to look, as if you poured it when unmolded. (add your cp soap to the mold) Soap a little cooler so it stays intact yet adheres. Am I making sense? Because I can see it....

    I have not worked with mp that much, but from what I remember the cooler the thicker. Maybe it would work...

    Oh good luck, I hope I helped a little, lol :)

  5. They are white dots that can be all over the soap, but in my case they were on the bottom and sides, and looked like contrails (and larger). This happened with higher percentages of butters, and soaping around 110 degrees. I have not had it happen since. They do not ooze liquid, but squishy.

    I can post a picture if you like, but I am soaping right now and need to get back....time crunch!

  6. I think it's ok then! Do you still have the spots? probably just stearic spots and not lye.

    Give her a good cure and test with ph strips. I didn't run it through lyecalc. But, would assume as long as you didn't do any discounting, it is probably fine.


  7. liquid on the bottom of the soap has happened to me before, as well as white spots.

    When I first started cold process, I had many troubles! When I started adjusting recipes, even more frustrations.

    With higher amounts of butters, I have found that I need to soap at a higher temp. I am not sure if you use other butters, but if you do they could have caused the spots.

    The liquid, I have not figured out. It did not happen too often, but when it did happen, I believe there was a problem with the essential/fragrance oil. I found these batches to be "no good". Maybe it was a problem with the recipe in addition to the fragrance?

    I soap at 130 degrees lye and oil for high butters. I have always had success with this.

    Now, with a new recipe (from last night), I went down to 115 degrees with a higher olive, and so far, success.

    Don't give up on mango, try listing your recipe so people can help :)

  8. This name does get people thinking! That is what I like about it :)

    If you know the meaning, or not... It would mean brave and noble. I think that both of these words together describe me and my brand/product.

    Great thoughts. I am still thinking about it. Like blacktieaffair said to repeat it everyday. It is still sticking.............

    Silver, I have to tell my husband that! he will just die in laughter! Maybe I need to be in the business of naming characters :)

  9. Pretty! Ya know, I use brambleberry fired up fuchsia colorant, love it! (but, I use as if it were an oxide, 1/2 tsp to 1 ounce olive for mixing) I cannot believe that you have no discolorations from what I can tell. So what stabilizer did you use?

    Thanks for sharing your pink sugar, I hope you are in the "pink sugar problem free zone!"

  10. I think that's an awful lot of soap for the first run at a recipe. I'd suggest keeping it to about 32 ounces of oils total.

    Yes, and that's a boat load of coconut! I thought I used a lot :)

    How about cutting the recipe in half for starters? Use the coconut but keep it around 20% of your recipe.

    but, I have to say I just don't like it. I work with mango, and you have to have a good combo of oils going on here. Sorry :(

  11. Try adding it directly to you your fragrance oil or EO, let it sit and soak into the oil for a couple hours stirring frequently. Add some water to thin it out, water will evaporate.

    Use 1 ounce- or more FO or EO ppo (per pound) of salts.It can take a couple weeks for the oil to absorb, at that point you can judge if more color was needed or not.

    I prefer pink himalayan salt, left in its raw naturally colored state, myself :)

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