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Posts posted by Ange

  1. Yes e! yours looks even more creative then mine lol i will do a little swirly action next time :yay: . I love it! That's what i call it over here, textured pillars. And it doesnt take time at all, i use a wire brush and just give it a good brushing, i do the tops too.

    And if u do cris cross u get those 'linen' type looking pillars from the boutiques.

    eta: i beat u, i do mine in slightly over a minute lol

  2. Hey there Donita! It doesnt look bad at all :) maybe not what u wanted but i dont think it looks ugly at all!

    I usually pour ard 145-150. well anywhere about 10° hotter than the MP of ur wax.

    Before u pour the last layer, poke relief holes all the way 80% through the candle, then fill it up. This should solve any of ur breakage probs.

    I actually like some bleeding, find it adds character! I find layers look great too when titled in varying angles and in different directions everywhich way lol. Sorry about the late reply! but u know me by now lol;)

  3. tucker thats a nice rustic/ mottle combo u got going!! ur first layer mottled cos probably the first layer you poured heated up the mold. Warm mold= no more rustic effect and kicks start the mottling process.

    The last 2 layers turn rustic again probably cos its nearer to the opening of the mold n heat had a chance to escape & cool faster.

    but once u poured the last layer in, the first become even more *insulated* hence the mottling.

    thats about it lol if i make any sense :P

    ETA... it could be anything like the counter ur mold was resting on that kept the mold warm n well insulated etc. I have had different effects when i worked on metal or wood counters!

  4. Hey Texas Dean, check the link above, its a great thread on how its done!

    .... As for E--girl you are a favorite too, I love your rustics.
    I completely agreed! I love your work E! U have been inspiring me! Give it a go debscent, the beauty of this method is that u can be messy and it still turns out nice! lol

    Thank you everyone for all your kind compliments!

  5. How do you do make them like that, or is it a company secret???

    Hey Margarita, they are basically layered rustic pillars in fancy shaped molds :)..how they are done is covered here

    http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3538 and molds i got from Peak.

    The second pix made my eyes bug out .....Now to put my eyeballs back in .... ;)
    LOL eekkk poor eyeballs! I love your stuff btw Scented!!
    ..I don't think you could make an ugly candle if you tried...at least I haven't seen one yet...
    Oh yes I do! Check the early days on CT archives lol I consider myself a CT *baby*, learnt everything on this board! In the beginning i trial, tested and experimented like everyone did till I got what worked for me!
    I was going to post a pic, but now I can't...too embarassed.
    Dont you dare!!! Get on to posting! There is ALWAYS something to be inspired or learnt from everything! Could be anything from one colour to a shape that sparks creativity :)
  6. I do the same like e's instructions. I keep my temps about 145-150 depending on summer/ winter times. I do heatgun the layer slightly or if the wax is slightly higher by 5-10 degrees pour NOT so much to bind the layers together but more for aesthetic reasons cos i cant stand it if the layer seam is not smooth lol. Poking relief holes all the way 80% of the pillar secures the layers together at the end.


  7. Actually I do make pillars with embedments that burn down the center only, leaving a nice shell perfectly intact. Its done with a core candle with different wax formulae and under wicked with a higher MP wax forming the shell. She was probably more familiar with those works of mine since i had posted them before in the archives :smiley2: . But in this case, yes the ones at the back are hurricanes.

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