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Posts posted by riverrider420

  1. hope you all don't mind another question. I have decided to try EO's, but would like to stay with all soy. and wondering which soy you all found to have the best hot throw. i've seen alot of threads on this topic, and i'm getting a little confused with what is considered 100% soy. i was thinking of useing the CB 135 but when looked into it containded botanical oils..thats not considered all soy then, am i correct? also if anyone can suggest a supplier...

    thank you all again...


  2. Thank you all so much for your responses..i think i will give the EO's a shot. i've been reading alot of what eveyones suggestions on wax to use and wicks...i've been useing 4 and 8 oz jelly jars about 3" in diameter. thinking about the CB 135 and CD wick..anyone have any words of wisdom..such as wick size, % of EO to use, suppliers?...thanks again


  3. Thank you elfcat and tereasa for your inputs...i have been reading the debates about organic and all natural..i think my main objective is to get the cleanest burning candle i can get wether they are "organic" or "all natural" may not really come into play.

    what i have been doing with the herbs is, mixing it with teh wax after melting it and letting it steep (for lack of a better word) the draining the wax. from the test burns i have done....there is so little herb left that it really hasn;t affected the burn..Doing it this way...do you still think the risks are still great?

  4. Hi All

    Been reading your forum all weekend and have to say my head is spinning from all the great info you all have offered. What has me most interested is the "100% natural" debate. Not really sure how to start asking the questions i have, so maybe if i just explain what my objective is, all and any input would be welcomed.

    I work in a school that services children on the autism spectrum. Our parent group is awsome when it comes to fund raising. one idea that came up was candles, which alot of parents as well as administration vetoed it because of the chemicals in candles. Our children are super sensory sensitive and react behaviorly ar physically to things the nerotypical people don't even know are there. Me being proud of the new soy candle making book i got for christmas, started talking with the parents about the possibility of soy candles.

    I have looked into a few wax distributer who have (or say they have acording to what i have readhere) 100% natural soy..some say they are treated with botanical oils and others say not treaded with any oils. NOW..what does all that mean? natural, or not natural?

    I also looked into scenting..FO are out for obvious reasons..so i started playing with dried herb....they do give the candle a nice scent when not being burned..and the slightest scent while burning. the obviouse would be to add more herbs. but have found alot of wax loss with what i'm useing. Has anyone wored in this are? any help would be greatly appreciated. Then next option would be EO and from reading here it seems to work, but when i was speaking with someone about it, they scared me away..saying it was dangerouse becouse of the low flash point of EO. Has anyone heard anything of the dangers of EO's.

    I hope this post makes sense..as i get more into soy candle makeing..the more there seems to learn....so thank you all for listening and for any input anyone may have


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