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Posts posted by KommonScents

  1. I have a wholesale account with a private label, but I provide the label. It's not worth me losing everything I have for one account. I have in very small print MFG for X by me. Then I put the warning info as required. At first they balked, then I explained whose liability it really is if the house burned down, and they understood. Even a release from liability in some states is not valid, which means bought in NC, given as a gift, and the home burns in MD, it's still my baby.

  2. I have not tried the palm wax, but I have spoke with Diane at Candlescience at great lengths about it (I'm just too chciken to start testing a new wax) and I wanted to reiterate the temp to pour in 185 not 85. If you don't get a reply to your email, give her a call - she is SO helpful & knowledgable. I think it's so neat that she struggles / succeeds with wax just like we do, and isn't afraid to share it with her cusotmers.

  3. I checked with my hosting site (Network Solutions) help desk, and if you had the Pro E Commerce site, with a free 1 hour net consult, they would help you set up exactly what you are looking for. I am not trying to plug my site, just wanted to give you the idea of asking your hosting company for assistance. Being a former Pampered Chef consultant, I understood what you were looking for, and liked the idea ALOT. Funny how I did this many times, and never thought about making it available to people who have expressed interest in selling my candles for me. Thanks for the idea, and I HTH.

  4. I have never had a problem with Millcreeks either - even with Cinnamon Vanilla (my top seller) and extreme vanilla. After reading this post I went out an checked a few that had been in the inventory box for 3 months, with no issues. I did find several suppliers on ebay - I was in a spot looking for clamshells myself this week. Once I added the shipping, it was easier to order from MC and pick up a few FO's while I was at it.

  5. I am not good at promoting my own products, so I recruited family to do it for me. First my Mom (or Aunt) goes in with a sample, they always have a few samples in their purse (tealights in clear baggies with my label on them). If they really like a certain scent, and they show interest, out to the car for the full size jar for them to sample. So far I have made the $ back on every sample, if they don't want to purchase wholesale, they at least purchase candles for themselves. Then they make an appointment for me to come in (Mom is in MD, I'm in NC) on a weekend I'm in town, or I follow up with a call. This helps me to already have a name, and an interest - so I don't do the dreaded cold call.

  6. It was 80 last weekend in NC, and my candles started to get a little soft. I place battery operated fans (Walmart) in the top of the canopy and on the tables to help keep the air circulating, as well as keep moving the candles that show the most heat issues to under the table. I find that as long as I keep the candles out of the sun, I do ok. An interesting note - I put a sample of each scent on the table, and leave the rest of my inventory in individual boxes on the same table - only the candles out of the boxes ever have issues. I hope I explained that so you can picture it.

  7. I stay with 2 suppliers - 1 for FO's, coloring, and small items that I have to ship or pick up when I am visiting family, and 1 for everything else - containers, wax, wicks, some fo's and emergency items - that I'm only 15 minutes away from. Between the 2 suppliers I have variety with FO's, containers, colors, and peace of mind that I have tested, tested, tested everything from these suppliers, so I know pretty quickly if something is wrong.

    On top of everything else, I find the customer service, ease of ordering, and consistency with both suppliers superior to the others I've tried.

  8. We have teh Walmart knock off of the EZ Up (they are on clearance for 68.43 here for a 10x10 btw) DH took 3 bags of sacrete divided it up into 5 gal buckets and sank the longest eye bolts he could buy into them. Since we have a country theme, I bought burlap in the fabric dept of walmart and spray adhesive to cover the bucket look. We used the racket straps that you find in the auto section at walmart to secure - 4 straps for $10. This setup sustains winds of up to 25 mph without movement, anything else, you still need to hold on for heavy gusts. If I can find a pic of the setup, I'll post it later. Good luck.

  9. I have had really good luck doing candle parties and open houses with other in home sales people (food candles with pampered chef works great)

    Here is the breakdown for us:

    *Exclusive 16oz Host Candle free in the scent and color of your choice, just for inviting us into your home.

    *10% discount for 1 year after your show.

    Sales Totals

    FREE Candles

    $100 - $249


    $250 - $399


    $400 - $549


    $550 - $699


    $700 - $849


    $850 - $1000




  10. Candlescience is SO great to pickup from in person too (I am a 15 minute drive from work)! You can't beat ordering at 10am and picking it up at lunch. I have never had a time when they aren't smiling when I walk in the door, and leave with a new piece of information about their products. They even help me load my car without being asked, which is something that I have to ask for at other locations. I love to walk into the office, it smells phenomenal!

  11. After posting about the spring fair, I got to thinking about what factors into my "bad/good/great" feelings leaving a show.

    I asked my husband (and business partner) and our factors differed, so I thought I would ask here too:

    Mine - Good day


    Booth fee

    Transportation / Lodging / Food

    Materials of the candles we sell

    $10 / hr for the time we are there

    at least 1 prospect for other business (wholesale / fundraiser / party), networking (outside of the candle industy - photography, events, containers, etc)

    Lots of face time with customers and browsers

    DH - good day

    Cover all cash expenses and cost of all materials brought to the show x2. (He's such a talker LOL)

    Just curious to see what other factors are important to others.


  12. I have done surprisingly well at the "non craft" events. I went to an outside antique festival this weekend, and we had a great day. With the rest of the vendors being having price points in the hundreds, we were a hit for the "browsers". I had to pitch my idea of "something for everything" at the fair to the organizers, but it went so well that we were invited back for the Fall festival too. I have a fundraiser in June that I think will do well also.

  13. I think back to when I was making candles for family as gifts. I knew nothing of testing, I just followed the kit instructions - boy those were the fun days LOL. I just placed my latest scent order, and will buy my cases of containers tomorrow, but this post got me thinking back to when I bought my canning jars at Big Lots - whatever size was cheap, my wicks at Hobby Lobby, because I was too afraid of wasting money on 100 wicks at a time and when the idea that I could make candles was too cool. Now I vary between obsession and love for candles, but I wouldn't give it up for all of the testing supply money in the world.

  14. Good Luck to both of you on your shows. I was hesitant last weekend to set up at the local flea market - for nothing. I didn't have the traffic that I was expecting, and those that were buying were selective, but they still bought (mainly vendors too). I know the craft shows that I am set up for in the next few weeks will be even better than that, because for the most part the flea market is looking for a bargain, they don't have to have handmade.

    BTW - For the first time I started offering a "3 for" special to make people think they were getting a bargain - and it worked.

    Good luck again!


  15. I have been self employed with 2 businesses now, a trucking company that is still in operation, and this candle company. With both businesses I still work out of the home for the medical benefits. I was just on the job hunt, and start a new position Monday. When I interviewed, (about 10 before I settled on my new job) they were very impressed that I not only know how to do most aspects of the company (it's an international security firm, so I'm obviously on a much smaller scale) but that I also know how hard it is to "Keep the roof over my head and the food on the table."

    I emphasized the fact that small businesses have to have great customer service, efficient processes, and forward thinkers to exist. When I explained to them that I still need a steady income (weak economy for gift item purchases plus diesel prices) and benefits (not everybody realizes how expensive individual insurances are and what they don't cover, not to mention unpaid vacations) the feedback I received was very positive. I spoke about generating a customer base for a quality product by word of mouth alone, the trials and successes in the interview. I was candid about what I would have done differently if I would have had the resources, like their company, behind me to take my business to the next level.

    On my resume, I briefly described my business, and put my daily skills - customer service, accounts payable and receivable, website development and maintenance, production, inventory control, research and development, identifying business trends, materials and cost management, and marketing.

    I only had 1 person question if I would have time to devote to his business instead of my own, and I decided to pass on that position.



  16. I want to have a box of cards made with "10% off for all vendors" so when I set up at the craft fairs and flea markets, and I'm cruising the aisles, it gives me an intro. Sunday we set up at the flea market, and the only morning sales we made were to fellow vendors. Thankfully the afternoon brought us other customers, but I had my booth fee, breakfast, and "salary LOL" covered with the vendors. This is the second time the majority of the $ came in from fellow vendors.

    I've also started to hand out my cards anytime I pay for something - dry cleaner, grocery store, drive thru. Some of the people look at me strange, I just tell them I didn't want them to miss out on finding great candles since they are working so hard and don't have the spare time to find me at "X event" I'm heading to. So far, no one has tossed it back to me, and my website hits are jumping up daily.

    I am thinking of offering the realtors in the area a discount on my candles, so they can get their clients to burn them while showing houses instead of baking or spraying scents. I have sent a few emails to local agents, and I'm waiting on the replies.

  17. Thanks for the honest responses. I feel validated that even though it was for charity, I think my best interests were overlooked. After a little probing of the organizer I found it is in fact Mia Bella, which eased my mind a bunch. We are also going to be in a totally different building then they will be. If all else fails, my grandmother is going with me, and I'll just send her over to chat them up all day :-) I have been attending some local networking groups where I ran into a Mia Bella dealer. I have to admit I was intimidated by their pitch at first, until I was able to burn holes in it, and let the other group members smell my products.

    Thanks again for the advice!

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