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Posts posted by cherry1968

  1. I think I know about my 4630 been using it for over a year. Everyone has been asking me for soy candles thought I would try it out what I know about C3 is what I have read on here, what the rep has told me, what is on naturewax web site and what my supplier has told me. Just wanted to know if anyone has mixed these and had any luck that is all. I really would like to continue using my 4630. The P1 was an accidental order ooops. Not even messing with that yet. Sorry did not mean to ask such a stupid question. I am pretty new at all this. I was really excited now I:o feel like a kicked puppy.

  2. I didnt sleep at all last night my c3 and p1 will be here today!!!!! my mind has been in overdrive! I have been using IGI 4630 for containers. Kinda anxious about the soy I have read and reread almost every post on this site. I am thinking of mixing the 4630 with the c3 I have had such good luck with the 4630 I love the scent throw. has anyone done this? If so what did you think.

  3. Silly me I used the search engine at the top of the page that was google took me a while to find the right one. kinda slow with that kinda thing thanks for your support I know I need all the help I can get. Still don't know what the heck to do with this wax. I did not think it was what I ordered but the company it came from said It was the one I picked. They said I could send it back and they would send me the C3 but I would have to pay shipping again only 34$!!!!!!! So just trying to find an upside to it. Guess I will figure something out :tongue2:

  4. I just accidentally ordered 50# of P1 and wanted 50# of C3. So now I have 50# of pillar wax that I have never used before. Could anyone tell me can I use this wax to make the rustic pillars? And what additives should I add I searched the site for this wax and did not find anything. Thank you

    This site is really great, so many helpful people out there it is really wonderful I called the company I order my wax from and they know nothing!! so this site is a real life saver!

  5. I have been trying to make these grungy candles that are rolled in cinnamon. Regular pillar candles rolled in cinnamon and then re dipped the re dipping wax is what I am struggling in. I have tried several waxes and none have the right texture. The ones I have seen are not glossy and sometimes gritty. Any help would really be appreciated. Thank You in advance

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