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Posts posted by Sherl

  1. My best friend makes M&P and does an awesome job.. I get samlpes and they lather great and I don't have drying issues. She is truely and artist in that medium. Personally, I make soap from scratch. I have a mad scientist side that has control issues. I love the creating.. and like said before.. unmolding that creation is quite a rush. The wait for the curing can be a drag.. but I like knowing what and why the stuff that is in there is in there. I like to spoil myself and find making soap a delightful way to do it. Either way makes a nice soap.. kinda like the soy/paraffin isuse.. choose what you like and have fun.

  2. I agree. When I first began I was freaked when on the first or second burn I did not get full melts pools but as the candle burned down, I realized that if wicked properly the candle will catch up to itself and consume all the wax. Now that I have learned that, hang up no longer scares me!

    I have a taller jar and the heat builds up as it burns down.. so it takes the hangup with it. If I didn'tunderwick for the top the bottom would get too hot.

  3. I think with votives I do 4 down and 4 accross.. they are bigger and a bit more odd shaped. I don't make many votives as the market if more for melts.

    I use a lighter shrink that allows the scents through. No, fragrance doese not mix. My bins hold 100 tarts easily.. amd separately. If they are thwon together.. yes, the scent can kinda get muddy. Talk to Art.. he will make recomendations based upon what you need it for.

  4. On the other side of the coin.. as a shop owner I do not expect to be undercut. I expect any of my consigners to sell to the public at the same price I have to sell in the shop for. Else why do it for 20%.. even 40%. The paper work to pay consigners most times isn't worth the effort.

    As far as raising prices.. with the price of wax more than doubling last year I had to. Went up $2 a candle. I was nervous.. but did not lose any business over it. Gas was out of control, food was going up so most figured it was par for the course.

  5. To see my product see my production site at www.Sherolyn.com .. I have changed my labels and have no new pictures.. that is why shop pics are not up. On my todo list for this month. My production site will go wholesale after that.

    Mine are single wrap. I go 5 down and 5 accross. Ten seals and I'm done.. less than 2 minutes. But you can wrap as many as you want. I wrap gift boxes, soap, diffuser sticks.

  6. I went to a soap conference and saw Art demonstrate that system. Then I got home and looked at what I was doing.. and the whole time I used my tubing and sealer I was thinking I could be done by now with that system... so after a few days of torturing myself I called Art and had him ship me one. He will visit with you about your application to make sure you get the right wrap. Customer service is always great. Have had mine two years now and wraped thousands of melts.. and it still works great. With the sealer I was always having to replace the wires. This system was the best investment I have made.

  7. I don't expect my melt pool to go all the way accross the jar until it is half way burned. My jars are wider at the top than bottom and I expect a candle to burn more than 3-4 hours with out a torch forming.. so I'm underwicked by many standards. But they totally consume so customers are happy.

  8. Things to consider.. you need to sell you candles at the price she does. Most shop owners will quickly dump anything that is being sold at a lower price point then they are selling at. If you wholesale, it need to be half of retail. Consignment is different.

    Print off a list of inventory you bring over.. 2 copies. One for her and one she signs and you get for your records. Do this with any product you bring over. Get something in writing that you agree too stating comission/base pricing, what happens to broken/damaged items, what happens if she runs a sale.. does it affect your product or what you get for it. I have a base + 30% comission. This allows me to have a sale that does not affect the vendor.. just my profit. And the base covers the utilities, advertisisng, cc fees and so on.

    Once you have your things in her store.. stay on top of what is or isn't selling. I hate people dropping off stuff and never hearing from them again. I end up discounting till I get rid of stuff. Keep her shelves looking full and ask why something may not be selling. It is to both of your advantages for your product to sell so work with her without being a pest [:) ]

    I started years ago in a shop like that. The shop owner helped me tune my product to her clientel. We both did well. Good luck!!

  9. A lot depends on the heat underneth. I have a warmer with a 40 watt bulb right under the pan. By third day not smelling much. Same tart in another warmer.. still a 40 watt but not as close to the pan.. get longer scent. The warmers with a 25 watt give the longest scent. My customers are the ones getting the longer burn. Don't think their noses tune out as quickly as mine. As long as they're happy.. I don't care. I use paraffin and quality oils from all over.. nothing special.

    btw.. it was yankee's quality [or lack of it] that got me into candle making. I hope I passed their standards long ago.

  10. If they can't speak proper english.. delete

    want info that is already in my web site or more than what is on my site.. delete

    from out of the country.. delete

    want to arrange some sort of business deal.. delete

    It amazes me to think some people actually respond to junk mail like that. sure wish I could spam them with something clean and wholesome. :P

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