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Posts posted by Grazia

  1. Hello All.....

    I've been wanting to do a little more advertising on the web, but my funds are still very limited (sticky divorce situation). Anyway, I'm currently listed on Candlefind.com and 100 Top Tart and Candle Sites and getting listed with Kellysearch. I was wondering if any of you advertise on Dmoz.com, Alibaba.com or if you've created a space for your company on Myspace.com, as well as similar places. I would appreciate your feedback as well as any additional ideas where to advertise that's reasonable with good results.

    I've been approached by FGMarkets several times, but have heard negative things and I was previously with Greatrep.com but wasn't happy with the quality of inquiries.

    Does anyone know anything about Far Countries? Also, does anyone list with sites like Gifts.com which I believe is pay per click, as well as advertise using Google's pay per click adwords?

    Also, do any of you belong to webrings, do joint venturing or focus on reciprocal linking your site for those of you that have one? If so, I would appreciate feedback on your results from doing so.

    Sorry for so many questions! I really appreciate your ideas, help and feedback as I'm trying to figure out the best places and ways to advertise for my dollar and where and with whom I should focus my time, so as not to waste either.

    Thanks a bunch and hope you all are well.............


    Grazia ;)

  2. Thanks to everyone for your posts. I found some Sweet Patchouli from Sharoninky!! Wooohoooo!! :D I'm doing a happy dance!! LOL :whoohoo:

    I've tried to find something similar to SP but think I might actually make my own blend and be done with it. I used to have oils duped in similar situations but that company now has a minimum requirement of $250.00 for that scent so that's out of the question, for now at least.

    It would be nice if someone were to buy out BG, but I understand if they need to keep it also. I know some of you were told they were on vacation, whereas I was told the owners have been experiencing health issues for the past two months, so who knows whats right.

    Anyway, thanks again for your suggestions and posts and Sharon, I do remember the first candle meeting in Ohio! :grin2:

    Take care!



  3. Hello Everyone,

    My name is Grazia from Angola, IN. I'm a new poster to Candletech and just introduced myself in the off topic forum.

    One of your members suggested I post here since she said many of you are customers of Bluegrass Candle Supply.

    I'm hoping to find someone that has Sweet Patchouli and Maui Baby available to sell to fill a wholesale order that has been waiting for over two months now. I've been in contact several times with Bluegrass Candle Supply as to when these oils will be back in stock and have been told the owners have been experiencing health issues for over two months. While I'm very sympathetic, the employees are unable to offer a time frame when these oils will be available again, other than that they are "on order".

    If I can't get these oils I'm afraid the customer will cancel their order which will cost me $100.00 so you can understand my dilemma. Thankfully, these are the only two scents on backorder for this order, however, I know they're not happy, understandably so.

    I'm extremely frustrated as these are best sellers for me, yet are continually unavailable, along with others.

    I need at least 8 oz. of Sweet Patchouli and 4 oz. of Maui Baby. If anyone can help me with this I would be MOST grateful!! Please email me at GraziaW57@msn.com if you have these two oils I can buy from you.

    Also, I've decided I need to find replacements for these and several of their oils, despite them being wonderful. If any of you have found replacements for the Sweet Patchouli, Maui Baby, Tangy Mulberry, Sugar Plum and Blushing Bride I would be deeply indebted to know where since the Sweet Patchouli especially has been very popular and continually ordered!

    Thanks SO much for your consideration!

    Ciao, Grazia :D

  4. Hello Everyone,

    My name is Grazia from Angola, IN. I'm a new poster to Candletech and just introduced myself in the off topic forum.

    One of your members suggested I post here since she said many of you are customers of Bluegrass Candle Supply.

    I'm hoping to find someone that has Sweet Patchouli and Maui Baby available to sell to fill a wholesale order that has been waiting for over two months now. I've been in contact several times with Bluegrass Candle Supply as to when these oils will be back in stock and have been told the owners have been experiencing health issues for over two months. While I'm very sympathetic, the employees are unable to offer a time frame when these oils will be available again, other than that they are "on order".

    If I can't get these oils I'm afraid the customer will cancel their order which will cost me $100.00 so you can understand my dilemma. Thankfully, these are the only two scents on backorder for this order, however, I know they're not happy, understandably so.

    I'm extremely frustrated as these are best sellers for me, yet are continually unavailable, along with others.

    I need at least 8 oz. of Sweet Patchouli and 4 oz. of Maui Baby. If anyone can help me with this I would be MOST grateful!! Please email me at GraziaW57@msn.com if you have these two oils I can buy from you.

    Also, I've decided I need to find replacements for these and several of their oils, despite them being wonderful. If any of you have found replacements for the Sweet Patchouli, Maui Baby, Tangy Mulberry, Sugar Plum and Blushing Bride I would be deeply indebted to know where since the Sweet Patchouli especially has been very popular and continually ordered!

    Thanks SO much for your consideration!

    Ciao, Grazia :D


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