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Posts posted by zanyboy

  1. I bought some joy wax and have been testing it out. In the wax I used FO from NG. I followed good temps. I have allowed the tarts to cure at least 2 weeks and the scent throw from this is not great. What in the world am I doing wrong?

    Hopefully this week I will be trying out C-1.

    I have heard good things on this wax and not quite sure what is going on.

  2. Thanks for the info gals. I am trying to improve scent throw. For some reason the 415 doesn't do it for me unless I got a bad box of soy. Just not quite sure what is going on. Didn't realize that soy is also a binder. I am still in the experimental stage obviously. I will just keep trying.

    Is there any suggestion what could be put into the 415 to improve the scent throw? I am just making tarts with it.

  3. I figured you would respond to this. Did I hit a nerve? There is not need for claws to come out.

    I do not follow hollywood stuff, news, hype ect. I follow things based on my own experience. You are playing it down that everyone is individualized. Honestly you can't.

    Nothing wrong with feeling the way you do. I am putting it out based on my own experience and if it can relate and help someone else out then wonderful.

  4. Petroleum products and bi-products have compounds that mimic estrogen. So, yes petroleum does have something to do with estrogen. Everyone is individualized in their reaction to certain products. So, for myself I want to find a better alternative. You can't discount that everyone is individualize. For some petro won't bother them and others it will. It is not hype.

  5. I know it may sound far fetched to some, but your body is very individualized. Yeah! it could be as easy as sniffin' petro stuff in and getting ear ringing, but our bodies have the capability to handle a certain amount of junk. It is when it is overloaded that it starts to faulter. This correlation between ringing ears and petro is a generation DNA thing from my dads side. You could say that it is from load noise or other factors, but it has been linked for us.

    This is one of those things where you never know.

  6. This is a great post. It opens up a little bit about the industry.

    This is the reason I am trying to switch to a good soy product. Petroleum products and including petroleum derived products ( mineral oil, vaseline, plastic-need heat to release) can mimic the effects of estrogen. They are called xenoestrogens. They have estrogen like activity. They have the ability to create hormonal imbalance in your body wreaking havoc with your monthly cycle and even a reduction in sperm count in men (there are others). Also, I have always had ringing of the ear and it is because of petroleum products.

    I do realize that with soy you encounter petroleum derived products, but they may be at a reduced amount.

    Xenoestrogen products also include:


    ~Herbicides and fungicides

    ~plastics -heated

    ~styrofoam -heated

    ~Petroleum based wax

    ~nonylphenols- used in detergents, cosmetics, and toiletries.

    I am not condemning anything or hyping anything. Just wanted to put another angle to the subject.

  7. Thank you for the info. I was actually using j223 for the 70:30 blend. I keep hearing that a blend like that you still maintain the properties of soy. I do not know if I like that blend or if it works well. It is still in the beginning testing stages.

    The issues I would encounter has to do with petroleum based properties where it would mimic estrogen and therefore your body would have too much estrogen and the hormones were imbalanced. It is not a fun thing at all. Also for some reason the petro products would also cause a louder ringing in my ears. I think that is just an allergic reaction to it. I am thinking about just reducing the fumes and using gloves. Something to help out.

    If I did use a parafin wax. What would be suggested. I still want to have the blend able to cut or scoop out of a container easily.

  8. i am currently using ez soy the plain 415 one. I wanted to achieve better scent throw and a softer wax and so I started to mix j223 into it. I am still in the beginning stages of testing it. Well, the use of parafin has started health issues and so I need to go completely soy. Is there a soy with great scent throw and cuts like butter or do I need to add something to it?

    Any help greatly appreciated. I saw something about golden 444. How is that?


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