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Posts posted by vinnibeast

  1. Actually, that's not entirely true. You don't have to issue a 1099 for less than $600, but that doesn't mean you don't have to pay taxes on $600. The government is funny like that. You might be able to skate by without notice, because the gov't would not have been notified (that you made $600) but they expect you to pay taxes on ALL of your income.:cry2:

  2. What size wicks do you all use for tealights? I'm using CD4 currently, but I'm thinking it may be a bit too big.....only get 5-6 hours of burntime and am wondering if it's the wick. Only prob is I have a huge number of them left.....Did a lot of testing in the beginning, and it seemed to work best at the time.....

  3. When people start telling me my candles are too expensive and they can buy cheaper ones at Walmart, I just tell them politely that by all means, they should buy them at Walmart but that Walmart does not handcraft or test their candles and you get what you pay for. Not that I really want them to go there, but I'm not out to try and educate the world about good candles, I'm afraid I've given up :embarasse on those types of people.....besides, you can't educate anyone who doesn't want to be educated.......

  4. Well, another bizarre day at the craft show......I underestimated the number of crafters remaining, appeared to be 60 - 80 left, all of us wondering why. Got there this morning to 2 police cars, wondering what the #@!# has happened now. Apparently, one of the crafters decided at 10 PM last night to go get his stuff out of the show, met by a security guy (also a crafter) who refused to let them ( keep in mind, doors were closed by 8) and a fight ensued, police were called again....the fight continued in the morning with a crafter taunting the guy and making it all worse.....customers continued not to show up and crafters were leaving throughout the day. I've gotta say, I've never seen so many surly crafters. Yes, they might have had a reason to be but what happened to respecting each other? At 4PM there was a promoter warning that leaving early would not be tolerated - did they not notice there were maybe only 40 vendors left?! Show was supposed to end at 6, we left by 5, customers (the few that there were) had long stopped coming. And then the fire engines arrived.....I never did find out what that was about, not sure I want to know. In any event, I did manage to break even thanks to other vendors. We had nothing else to do so we all wandered around buying each others products.

    The show was in Northlake, IL. The promoters have another one coming up in February,(in Lisle or Woodridge, can't remember exactly where) but I can't imagine anyone with any knowledge signing up. I was luckier than many, I actually ended up breaking even. My only problem was I invested $3000 in inventory beforehand, expecting a good show. Not that I can't use it in the spring, but I would have liked to have the cash to pay down some bills. O well.

    I intend to make some phone calls, to the attorney general re the so-called charity, but mostly for my own knowledge, and not to take it any further. I'll keep you posted on what I find out. In the meantime, has anyone heard of a promoter called "Mommyandme"?

    So now I think I'll have a beer.....or maybe mulitple beers.....

  5. I'm in the middle of my last show of the year and I'm feeling.......screwed and confused. I've never done a show with this promoter before (Metro Management in Illinois) and there were many openings immediately before the date, so I knew there was an element of risk. Setup was confusing and many crafters had their spaces switched, some more than 3 times!! Nobody could find anybody who had done the show before.....it turns out that it was the first time at this location (cities away from previous years). The promoter published that it was the 6th year there. Okay, strike one. The show began, but it was hard to tell because there were NO customers. Now, you can't guarantee a successful show, we all know that. However, the promoter had published expected turnout to be 12000 (how do you do that for a first show?) and "tour buses of eager shoppers" but the only thing that any of us saw were shuttle buses that nobody could find (the few customers that did show up)that dropped off the occasional shopper. Strike 2. In their defense, advertising was done. I saw it, people heard it on the radio and customers had newspaper ads. We were told we had to donate( $40 Plus) to a raffle benefiting a charity......apparently, the charity is registered nowhere, (strike 3)so we took our donation back (my DH is a stickler for donating to reputable charities only, and, having worked at the Red Cross, I am a stickler against fraud). So, of course, vendors were starting to get angry and some of them were leaving and it wasn't even noon, and the show had just started at 10. Then, a lawyer appeared handing out a sheet about the promoter being a convicted felon, with (implied) aliases and fraudulent claims. All hell broke loose. Lots of angry vendors, the police were called, a TV news camera showed up and vendors left in droves. I didn't and still don't know what to believe. If nothing else the promoter has misrepresented the show to attract vendors, but is she guilty of anything else besides betraying crafter trust? In any case, I and about 30 other vendors ( out of 240 or so) decided to stick it out, so I'm going back today. Mostly, I'm concerned about customers showing up and no one is there. Also, I must admit, I just didn't feel like breaking down during another snow storm, especially as my break down is 2 hours. So today will be interesting. What else could happen?

    Sorry I have rambled on and on......this has never happened to me before and I'm not quite sure what to make of it. I would like to investigate the promoter further, but am not quite sure how to go about it. Any ideas? Not so much to convict her of anything, but to avoid any further dealings with her.( apparently, she has done previous craft shows under another name) Altho' I guess know your promoter or someone who does would be good advice to follow. My motto for the day.

    I'll keep you posted if anything interesting/disturbing/just plain wacko happens today.....

  6. I already use UV, and it helps, but not enough .....

    Not using the shrink wrap to cure fading, just uncertain as to which guage is best. I've used 75 before, and it's okay, but wondering if there's any benefit to going up. Alan did mention something awhile ago that might help, but can't for the life of me remember what it was.....

  7. Just curious....what guage shrink wrap do you use for wrapping your candles - 75 or 100? Also, Alan had mentioned UV type wrap(or at least something that might help in that respect ) awhile back. I seem to have such a problem with fading, no matter what I do. :cry2: Anyone know where to get this? TIA

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