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Posts posted by flyspeck40

  1. I went to the Salvation Army at first, paid on average 40 cents each for a bunch of glasses that were different diameters found the dollar store was a better bet for getting the same glass in diameter in mass quantities 2 for a buck. No lids though. But I've bought them out for now. I'm lazy. I want lids and the same size.

  2. My last one was one big headache and 20 grand after it was all said and done. This one is a keeper, he even makes a good grilled cheese. Not to say he isn't a "Husband". Just that if you have to have one, he is one to have. Although how I ended up married again I still can't figure out. lol

  3. The first FO I tried was gardenia from KY. Got that with my first bunch of wax from them. Loved it.

    Then I wanted more scents but didn't want to pay the shipping (I'm Cheap to no end) so I went with Wellington. Tried Discount Fragrance but got no hot throw out of the two I ordered so I won't order from them again.

    I'm very happy with Wellington but I'm going to try the SOS. No shipping over $100. Cool with me. But first I have to use up what I have here or my husband will throw a fit. I have over 20 bottles of FO here. Most of them not even opened.

    Ya, living close has it's drawbacks but I love that I'm not hit with major shipping charges.

  4. OK, had to email them but the max load is 7%. But they also said 1 to 2 oz depending on strength wanted. I've been using 2oz and am happy with the results. They burn well and smell good. Except for the few that I redid and stirred up real good. And those have turned out much better. I am still letting those tarts alone. I will take one out next week and see if I can smell them.

  5. I chain smoke, run power tools, mess with my breaker box running new lines, drive a semi on icy roads, hang out at 3 in the morning in the not so nice part of town waiting to get unloaded, ride my harley in traffic, clean with bleach. Make candles. Something is going to kill me. And if it doesn't, old age will get me. I'm having a wonderful life. It wouldn't be so wonderful if I worried about everything that will harm me.

  6. Or someone who doesn't know what they are doing. I'm not using 3oz's in my candles. the first ones I did because i wanted a triple scented candle. they do smell awesome. fill the whole room. But they don't burn well at all.

    I remelted and added more wax sunday and am waiting for the results.

    This time I stirred alot more.

    Wellington Fragrance has some really good FO's. The ones I have gotten a great throw with hot & cold ( even screwing things up) are...........

    Vanilla, Lavender Rose, Pear Redwood, Magnolia, Ambrosia and Cedarwood Amber.

    I'm sure they have others too I just haven't got to them yet.

    The tarts that I wasn't getting anything out of I have sitting in thier jar in the closet so I'm not tempted to try them before two weeks.

    I did cheat and burn a columbian coffee that I re-did and am getting a roomfull of scent. So you can imagine my glee. :D

    I am thankfull for all your info. But then again kind of bummed that there is no set formula. But I'll get over it and just be challenged for the rest of my life. Not a bad thing.

  7. No, I don't use 3oz. I did in my first candles. Wanted a triple scented candle. Melted those down and redid them with more wax.

    since my first attempts I have toned down and have some good candles that have good cold and hot throw, burn well and I'm happy with them.

    My tarts on the other hand.........was up to 3 oz per lb and they were not smelling like hardly anything. I was going to throw them out until I read this site.

    There were just a few scents that were not working for me. I did some of yesterday those and stirred the heck out of them. Hoping this works.

  8. Major frosting, some discoloration, sinking etc etc the list goes on.........

    But right now and for quite a few years to come I'm sure, the candles are just for me, so I'm not really worried about what they look like. They all look the same after I light them anyway.

    Right now I'm have ants in my pants already waiting for next saturday when I can burn one of these that I re-did yesterday. Melted down my bunch of oops and strirred like all get out. Some have saran wrap, some are just up-side down like one lady said.

    Once I master the scent throw thing and all that goes with it, then I'll worry about the looks. But by that time I'll be so old I won't be able to see them anymore LOL.

    Off to work for me now........

  9. I don't know where I read it but as far as I know zinc wicks are alright for soy.

    I have a couple containers that the zinc wick is what burned the best.

    Of course don't take my word for it. Just because it burns well for me doesn't mean it's really OK to use.

  10. I have a good melt pool, 1/4 to 1/2 inch. Glass is clean and my wicks are not too hot. 99% of the time I think I have a good, if not great cold throw. And most of the fragrances I have tried I have had success. :D

    But there has been the odd FO that has smelled really great until I lit it. And then nothing. Nada, zip, zilcho. Like the Gingerbread and the Columbian Coffee. From the cold throw I thought it would stink up the whole house (I have three floors).

    Now is this because I didn't let it cure? At all. 24 hours that's it.

    Or is it this wick thing I have read about? They have burned well, just no scent, or very little.

    How can I tell if it's the wick I'm using or not? Should I try the same size wick from a different company? I presently have wicks from KY, C&S, and Wellington Fragrance.

    The way I HAVE been testing my wicks (will pour a wickless one from now on) is I pour 4 different candles each with a different wick and pick the one that burns well. (I have an extensive wick collection).

  11. I'm using both. Well Flake and the votive tart blend. When I was down at the warehouse the front desk lady told me to add the scent cooler, she also told me I should put 3 to 6 tablespoons of stearic acid per lb in my candle wax, I tried 4.

    Stopped doing that as I thought it made my cold throw weaker even at three.

    I read that tarts had to cure only 48. I took that as FACT. Also that candles could be tested at 24.

    Did not know I had to put a lid on them etc etc.

    I'm sure there is alot more that I don't know, even after reading this site all day yesterday.

    I guess I'm just going to have to put my toys away til next saturday. :cry2:

  12. Thank you for the tips.

    I'll check out the SOS. I like the free shipping.

    And i've taken to putting saran wrap on the candles. How long?

    The longer the better? As in the lady with the five year cure?

    I can't wait!!!! I was doing fairly well with most fragrances but now I do beleive I should really be able to make a good candle. :)

    I was going to throw my tarts out but now I know they might smell good in a week or two. Man, I love this site.

  13. OK, after reading all this I don't feel so bad. I thought I'd just make some candles while I was off work due to surgery and couldn't do my usual. But it has become an obsession that has taken over my life.

    I spent my entire fed tax return on this stuff. Would not think about selling anything. I'm back on my feet now and there is drywall to be hung and a yard that NEEDS attention. But, I have candles to make.

    I think cocaine would be cheaper.

  14. I've been getting my wax and fragrance from Wellington Fragrance. It's about 20 minutes from my house. I'm too cheap to pay all that shipping if I don't have to.

    I don't like their wicks at all. I've been ordering from KY and Candle&Supply for my wicks.

    I was reading on some other threads about curing tarts. I'm using the plastic Folgers cans. I don't see a #5 anywhere on it. Should I take them out?

    And do I have to have a lid on a container candle to let it cure? I haven't been doing that.

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