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Posts posted by crazeecandlemaker

  1. Ok Guys...You've convinced me! I'm going to go back to adding my FO at around 170 degrees to see how that works out! I haven't been getting the best scent throw and maybe the reason is because I'm adding my FO at too low a temp.

    I want to Thank You All! It's so great to be able to get advice from those who know how!:grin2:


  2. Thank You Everyone for All Your Help But I'm SOOO Confused!!! When I was adding my FO at a higher temp, everyone told me that the temp was too high and that the FO would evaporate and that I should add the FO at 120 degrees. Now that I add the FO at 120 degrees everyone is saying I should add it at 170 degrees. I've tried both and haven't seen much difference with scent throw. Actually, I seem to get a better scent throw at a lower FO temp. I'm just wondering how many add FO at 170 degrees and how many at 120 degrees. :confused:

    Thanks Again,


  3. I was just wondering if anyone else has this problem with colors & soy wax?

    I use EZ Soy wax. I always bring my wax to 165 degrees, add dye chips at about that temp., add fragrance at about 110 degrees and poor when slushy. My candles are turning out great except that as the candles cool, I get spotted areas in my candles, where the dye doesn't seem to take right. Usually white streaks running through the candles.:confused: Container candles by the way... anyone know what to do about this or has anyone else had this problem. I might end up making all my candles without dye!!!:mad:

    Thanks For Your Help!


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