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Posts posted by goddess

  1. I am looking for a frangrance called K.S. Sexy as Sin. A company called Bayer Essence uses it in some of their products. I don't know if it is a custom blend or not. It smells so good and I sure would like to make some candles with that same fragrance. Is anyone out there familiar with it? I think the K.S. part of the name stands for Kuma Sutra.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.



  2. All those who answered my post regarding the sinking in the middle I thank you. You have really helped out. I did top all of the candles off and that made a major difference. I will invest in a heat gun very soon. Now I had a chance to try them out tonight and a couple of the candles have poor quality flames (very small and dim). I have been burning candles for years so I know how it is suppose to burn. I cut the wicks to 1/4 inch like I'm suppose to. Suggestions welcome.

    Thanks again. With all your help I will be making quality candles very soon and this year I will make all my Christmas gifts. I will be a master candle maker by then :yay:


  3. Hello, I am new to the group. I am making my own candles. I don't know if any of you have a drug store in your area called 'CVS' but I found a candle selection called "Essential Elements" and they have a scent called 'Lavendar & Cedarwood'. It is the best scent I have every smelled. I bought some candles for Christmas gifts and everyone wants more. I would rather make my own but I sure would like to buy this scent. The company claims it essential oils but the scent is so strong I can't imagine essential oils that strong. If anyone knows the scent I am referring to please email me where I can get it. I hate to go out and buy lavender and cedarwood and try to come up with the same combo that will be impossible and it would be more convenient if I could get their secret formula :laugh2:


  4. Just made my first candles. Bought wicks at craft store. The only problem I had was after they cooled they kind of sunk in the middle. They started off level on the top but after a couple of hours of cooling they were sinking in the middle a little. I don't like that, I want them to be perfectly level so they will burn all the way down and not extinguish themselves because the higher wax around the edges melted and extinguished the flame. Anyone know what the problem is? Help please.



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