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Ian H

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Posts posted by Ian H

  1. Thanks for your help Topof...

    I'll keep looking for a LMP pillar blend. Candle supplies in the UK are a challenge to be sure. I'll not be getting any more of the 65C stuff, not the least it almost cost the equivalent of 4 US$ per pound.

    May be worth trying the mineral oil thing. However what is mineral oil? Is liquid paraffin oil this? If it inhibits the burn of the candle I'm not sure it's the way to go though.

    On your final point, I think I've seen the website you describe. No info of any help on the site TBH.


  2. One of the critical things in making paraffin candles is choosing the correct material for the application. Your usual paraffin isn't very suitable and this one is highly unsuitable. For unfragranced candles you should use far smaller wicks than these in combination with a paraffin that melts at 54-55 C. To that you can add 2 or 3 tablespoons of stearin per pound for better appearance and mold release.

    I've done a search on UK available paraffin waxes and the only product that has a MP around 54C is a container blend.


  3. What paraffin are you using or at least what is the MP?

    The MP is 65C (a bit high? My usual wax is 57 to 59C) This wax is a batch I got from Hobbycraft in the UK. I don't like it at all (well overpriced too). I found that straight it had frosted looking flaws showing and have added 25% container wax to it to give a clean effect.

    In mitigation I was using up some birthday vouchers. I won't be back there though.:rolleyes:


  4. I'm making 3" pillars ATM. The candles look spot on but I can't find the correct wick. BTW the candles are 100% paraffin with a minimum of colour (baby pink) and no FO. I am setting the candles with a bamboo stick to allow me to changes the wicks quickly.

    I started with LX26 which according to my chart should be good up to 3 1/2". I get a melt pool diameter of 2". Stepped up to LX30 ........No change. Tried stepping down to LX22...1" pool. Double wicked LX22 ..not a lot of change there.

    Then I tried ECO14.....Nope! Then 3X28C cotton core. Nope!!:embarasse

    I am about out of options now. All I want is a melt pool that will take it to within about 1/4" of the edge.


  5. Hey Ian .. when are you going to start plugging me ? I was wondering why business was dropping :)

    Oh by the way, I had mixed results on the fragrance cloning, the sample manager is looking at the formula again, she reckons they should be exaclty the same but clean cotton, baby powder and fresh cut roses were miles from what they should be. Having said that the lavender and strawberry are fantastic, I've never had better :)


    Hi Keith.................OK you've made me feel a little guilty. But in my defence I have never taken wax from you, and as this thread is about wax it would have been wrong of me to endorse your wax.

    However if anyone is looking for a truly awesome buttery vanilla FO I think that Keith's Luscious vanilla is possibly the best in the world. I'm ordering more soon.

    I'm pleased that you have made some progress on the FO development but not surprised you've hit a few snags, it's quite a complex area. Keep at it you will get there.


  6. I also use boiling water with a good squirt of washing up liquid. Fill to the top and let the wax float to the surface. Tip the wax layer out, give the container a good swirling, tip out the water and QUICKLY wipe with paper towels.

    Works for me but my wife queries the amount of funding for buying paper towels now.:sad2:


  7. The problem with Pyrex is that it is glass. Glass is a poor conductor of heat and therefore the wax takes longer to melt than in metal.

    I bought 2 large stainless steel mixing bowls from Wilkinsons hardware for about £2 each. The bottom one filled with some water, the top with wax. Does the job well, that is until the equivalent of the Presto turkey fryer becomes available in the UK market.:rolleyes2


  8. Hi there xx, I'm quite new to the wax melters society but being based in Yorkshire I've shopped around for my wax and things. Bare in mind that in the UK you will not find local sources with the range of options that those lucky people Stateside have.

    I get my wax and wicks etc. from http://www.4candles.co.uk/ . Their products are very good, delivery is cheap and fast, 2 working days. Check out their site, pillar blend paraffin is £11.45 for 5 kg. I mainly use a 50/50 mix of paraffin and soy+ for my container candles. Soy+ I find to be very good. I've just received a delivery of 5kg paraffin, 5kg Soy+ and 4 kg of container paraffin that I'm going to mix with the soy. I ordered other things also and the postage was £8.99.

    As to your question on gel wax, I'm certain that you can't mix it with other waxes. The dye you use should be the liquid type and if you add fragrance you must add one that is approved for gel wax. Having stated this I have never used gel wax..........YET.

    Keep it up and good melting.


  9. straight paraffin with soy added?

    Have you tried pre-blended container waxes? That's what I use. I guess that is a bit off topic, I'm sorry, I'm not sure which wick would work best with your blend. How 'bout starting with a zinc 51 and see where it gets you. You may need to go up or down a size. You could also try double wicking, with two smaller sized zinc wicks.

    Also, when I am in a bind I have had good luck contacting my wax suppliers. They are always very responsive when I have a question. HTH!

    I use a blended paraffin wax and container soy+ wax.

    Bare in mind I'm in the UK and the affordable options on waxes and wicks is not the same as in the US. I've not come across a parasoy blend here. As to wicks I'm still working through my experimentation stages with the wicks available to me. I've more or less sorted my 100% paraffin pillars but not got there yet with any of the soy mixes, but I will.:grin2:


  10. Just to get an idea of the dimensions, how much wax will it hold and what is the diff in diameter between the widest part of the jar and the narrowest.

    Those are cool jars but I bet they would be difficult to wick. For me anyway, I'm still trying to get my own candles wicked correctly!

    Here is a pic with the dimensions. I agree that due to it being wider in the middle wicking is an issue, that's the main reason that I posted.

    I estimate it will hold just over 1/2 lb of wax.



  11. It's never too late to respond Natasha, especially with a post as informative as yours. I agree entirely with your comments. I think there is some hope that the availability of quality FO's will improve in the UK. It will take time and I think that the successful suppliers will source within the UK for reasons you have stated.

    I find candle making quite therapeutic. I enjoy making them and also like the end product. It is a pastime that for me has the right challenge level without being too tedious. I am still very much in the learning stage but I'm pleased with my progress to date.

    BTW I live in Shipley, West Yorkshire.


  12. Thanks all for your responses. I don't think they sell Goo Gone in the UK. I have tried to prise them off with a knife,spoon, pliers etc. Some move, most don't.

    I went to our local DIY sore and bought a tube of silicone remover. Silly price = $15 but only needs a little drop and it does work.


  13. I've found that silicone is the best way of securing the wick tabs to my containers. However when I want to re-use them that's another matter. The only way that I've found that sort of works is to put the glasses on a hotplate . Eventually the silly stuff loses it's grip, this is normally at the point where it's smoking. Last time I did this after the stuff had released it's grip I put the glass on another hotplate that wasn't hot and the glass self destructed.:(

    I know that there is a silicone solvent and maybe this is the answer but has anyone a better idea. BTW I'd prefer not to dump the containers, just in case that is a suggestion.:grin2:


  14. Soooo, what are your thoughts of the oob smell so far?

    Out of the bag works better for me than out of the bottle. Firstly I'm pleased with my selection. I like the vanilla types less than the others, but that's just personal taste. The pomegranate is 'well in your face', and to me the strongest. Dreama feels the weakest. At the moment Butterfly hugs and orchid rain are the best. The trouble is that every time I sniff I change my mind.

    I'm using thin food bags and most of the fragrances are detectable without opening them. Next test is when my better? half gets home from work. The final test will be when I cast them in wax.

    Looking good.:grin2::grin2::grin2:


  15. Certainly Ian, I'll send you a sample when it comes in.

    I found a better supplier on the soy so I was able to pass on the reduction.


    Cheers Keith.:yay:

    Incidentally, how do I get these posts to put carriage returns in? I have to edit every post before I post it adding in the paragraph opening and closing tag, any clues?

    I can't think what your problem is there. I just press the enter key a couple of times and it gives a paragraph space without manually tagging it. On one of the threads I was involved in there was someone with a similar problem. I don't know if this was resolved though.


  16. The 2 or 3 week time span was given to me by the sampling dept but it isn't for a core range, this will be about 6 simple oils, lavender, baby powder, clean cotton etc, nothing with complex layers, those will come later over time, first off I just want to get a basic range together that will be as good as can be bought in the US without the extra expense.


    Put me down for some Clean Cotton Keith. Incidentally, will you be offering this range at the same prices as your current offer?

    BTW I notice you've reduced the price of your soy wax. Getting closer to me ordering a few kg's from you.:grin2:


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