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Posts posted by Makukula

  1. I am a newbie so I am still not passed the following directions stage :smiley2: The fragrances I got from Peak said use 1/2 - 1 ounce of fragrance per pound. I also have been using the equivalent of 1 ounce, 2 tablespoons or 30 ml of fragrance per pound. Its been working GREAT for me, I dont think I would want to use anymore and I'm not sure that there is a benefit to using more, and Im not sure if the wax can hold more. I say stick to whatever the manufacturer says :smiley2:

  2. I did hours and hours and hours or research when trying to answer this question about a month ago. I like Peak's starter kit because it offers you by far the MOST for the BEST price. No one else gives you as many fragrances to try and color dyes to try as Peak does, and they even threw in an additional scent giving me a sample of SIX fragrances. You will NOT be disappointed with a Peak starter kit. And I am now certain that candle making is for me :-)

  3. It works!! It really works!!! I burned my candle today and it was just absolutely wonderful to see it burn, with a great flame, and a great scent too. I actually used the double boiler method, not a presto pot. I figure, let me learn the basics before moving onto more tools. It was a pillar scented candle using a 3 x 6.5 mold from Peak Candles. Its cranberry scented and smells wonderful...now if I could only figure out how to post pictures, I want you to share it:D

    PS: My third candle is cooling off right now, I NEED A NEW MOLD!!!! so I can make more than one at a time!

  4. I am so excited, that I just cant hide it, I'm about to lose control and I think I like it. Ok seriously, I just finished my first candle and i LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D AFter I finish this post I am off to make my second one. I followed Peak's instuctions, minus the dont let the second pour go over the inital line of the first pour, so I have a ridge at the bottom, but I actually love the fact that its there, it looks like it was supposed to be there! Anyhoo, just wanted to share my excitement :D

  5. I also took the research route before starting. I saw some of the stuff from Michael's et al. However, after I did my research I started out with Peak and am waiting for my first candle ever to cool AS WE SPEAK...its driving me nuts. I read books, surfed the web for more hours than anyone should trying to find information on candle making. I finally made my decision to get at Peak starter kit..but had to continue doing research..a few weeks later I found this site with good reviews on Peak and thats where I have started. Can I put the candle in the fridge already...if I get it out of the mold, I can make another candle tonight!!!

  6. I am very excited right now:yay:. I had christmas early this year when my starter kit got here from Peak Candles a few days ago. Although I wanted to rip everything open and get started right away, I took a few days to get to know my equipment and get to know all the instructions. FINALLY today, melted my first pound of wax, added fragrances and dye, poured my wax into the mold, took notes through the process...and now I have to sit and wait...how can you stand waiting. Anyway, I have been reading a lot of posts on this message board and just wanted to thank everyone for the great advice :smiley2:

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