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Posts posted by ragnarock47

  1. Hi Kasie,

    I was in the same boat about a month ago. Before I bailed on making candles, I tried a whole bunch of different things for the possible reasons why I wasn't getting hot throw... none of them worked.

    I decided to switch from a mostly soy blend to a mostly paraffin (6006) blend and things have gotten a lot better. I still need to figure some things out, but things are wroking out much better.

    Try a different wax if you can't get what you have to work.

  2. I do use a digital scale. I was just wondering if I base my 8% off of the 6.6 solid weight of wax, or the 9 oz. fluid.

    I am still a bit confuzzed... maybe not confuzzed as I understand what you all are saying, I just can't answer my question yet.

    So if you were to make a container candle and it's a 9 oz. jar (which is filled when 6.6 oz solid wax is liquified) and you wanted to add 8% FO, what weight of FO would you add?

  3. I think I may have stumbled upon the troubles I am having with hot throw.

    Do you calculate your FO percentage based on the solid weight or liquid weight of the wax?

    My 9 oz. containers are filled, when using 6.6 oz of wax when weighed as a solid. So I base my FO % based on 6.6 oz. Is this where I am coming up short on hot throw... too little FO?

    {ADD} I'd imagine this is where I am messing up as you add FO's when the wax is liquid. I'd just like verification of my thought (and yes, I only have one :)).

  4. Start Logic is who I use. I do not sell anything on my URLS. They do have two seperate shopping cart systems you can choose from and a Paypal integration something or other.

    As for building web pages: They have a fairly easy builder for the web pages, there is a small learning curve but essentially it's the same as using a web template from MS Word to build a web page. Start Logic has a pretty good help documentation center.

    The reason I chose Start Logic when I was choosing which company to go with was because in most of the web hosting reviews, Start Logic came up tops; they also have 24/7 LIVE tech support (e-mail tech support doesn't thrill me); and of course price. I have not been disapointed in the least with Start Logic.

  5. Hi Crystal,

    It is common to need a business license from your state, a tax ID # from your state, plus you may need some additional this and that based on what the individual business is doing. Each state varies in what's what. Here is a FAQ for business in Ok.: http://www.okcommerce.gov/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=17&Itemid=41 . I'd imagine someone else from Ok. will pipe and and give you more details.

    Other than that, I would STRONGLY suggest you make a good business plan. Not a half a** one. There are tons of web sites that will give you guidlines on writing a business plan or you can get a book at the library or bookstore. A lot of people without a business plan work in their business and NOT on their business. Consider oyur plan an outline and vision for oyur company.

  6. Howdy all,

    I gave a second and third test burn to the ones a made a few days ago (the testers I started this thread with). The RRD37 gave a bit better hot throw than after the first, but not great. The RRD34 is kickin!!!! Very nice throw. It seems to be shrooming more today on the 2cnd & 3rd burn. I didn't bother retesting the RRD40.

    A few days ago, someone posted a question about Just Scent and that got me fired up to pour more testers using JS's Very Berry Delight. Man I love this stuff OOB, it smells just like Tahitian Treat soda. I poured them wickless and will try the one persons suggestion in my 6006 question thread on the temp. forum. The one where they cut off the wick tab and then poke a hole in the candle, and put in a wick, heat up and test burn. If it doesn't work, just yank the wick and try another. Excellent suggestion to whoever mentioned it.

    So tomorrow, they should be cured enough for me to test those with the zincs.

  7. You will need to resize the image.

    There are two sizes that can be resized:

    1. The actual image size. Usually, making a smaller pic will lower the image file size as well.

    2. The image file size (quality)

    The error you're getting is due to the image file size. If you don't have any software to change this, there are some free places to do this online.

    This one seems pretty straight up, and they give you the resized image right away, then just save the resized image to your computer and give it a shot. I'd pick maybe 400-600 in width: http://resizr.lord-lance.com/default.asp

  8. Did you hit "upload" to the right of the "browse" button? Once that is done, it will upload and the image will be listed two boxes below where you choose the image. Once the image is listed, then hit "close this window" and everything should be fine :)

  9. Hi Snow,

    There are two ways that I know of:

    1: If the image is saved on your computer, towards the bottom of where you compose your posts under "additional options" there is a "attach files" "manage attachements" button. From there you can "upload" an image from your computer. Using this way to do it, you can also load an image if it's on the net... just enter the URL (www.XXXXXXXX.jpg).

    Doing it this way will make the image show as a little image at the bottom of your post that people can click on to see the larger version. See the "attached thumbnail" below.

    2: The second way is only if the image is on the net. type the following without the spaces: [ i m g ] www . image. jpg [ / i m g ]. Keep in mind if you do it this way, the image will be put in at actual size; it's kinda poor forum manners to be putting HUGE images in this way.

    The results will be this for doing it this way:


    Not for you Snow, but for others, you must have 50 posts and be a member here at CT for 30 days before you can use the first way to put images in your posts.


  10. Hmmmm, Marie, did you notice my new moniker... an enigma, no longer a wax drip... yet you come in and slap me around... haa haa haa.... just playing ;)

    I was under the impression that when using a box, the box was put over the candles upside down. So I suppose I need to get me a right side up box rather than the oven. Maybe the holes I had in each of the 3 first pours was due to the no airflow. Shoot, I was all psyched using my new heat wand :( I'm sure something else will need some Darius heat so it wasn't a wasted purchase :yay:.

    Haa haa haa Blaze, slinging it right back... I love it :)

    Lori, I wanted to pour higher; I read what you read in the temp forum. That was the reason for my question about keeping the temp up.

  11. I didn't have any problems with JS and as stated above by a few people, her customer service was excellent and she also hooked me up with a few Fo's and some wax samples.

    I bought about 6 FO's from her, and I haven't tried them yet with my new wax. The one I tried with the old wax didn't throw, but neither did the dozen or so other FO's I tried from two other suppliers.

    I can say JS's has great business practices, but can't comment about the throws yet.

  12. Hi Marie,

    I have only used the RRD's as was suggested for the 6006 on CS's calculator. It suggested the 37's for my size container and as seen from my posts above, the 34's so far seem to be better. I got the 34's & 40's because I (and the calculator probably states this) figured the suggestions are just a starting point, so I wanted to have somehting on both ends of the suggestion as well. I also checked charts from other sources as well to confirm CS's calculator. It also suggest 44 zincs for the 6006 in 2.5"-3", I would think the 44's are a good start point as well. I am comfortable using the calculator as a starting point suggestion. I asked a few questions on the temporary CT forums before I did my first pour with it, and someone stated that they found the calculator way off. There are tons of variables in wicking I am finding out, so maybe they had something going on out of the ordinary...who knows.

    Yep Blaze, Jill hit it on the head. I am up here in Coldland, Oh. The corner of my kitchen I let the candles set in has a draft, and letting the pooches in and out causes lotso temperature varying drafts. So people either put a box over the tops of the candles or use an oven. I prefer the oven as it lets the candles cool slower than the box. I do not use a cool oven, but rather shut the oven off after preheating my containers, then pour, then stick 'em in the still warm oven. In the summer, I will probably go with using a box.

  13. The 3 hour burns for the RRD 34 & 40:

    The 40: full diameter melt pool at 2hr. 3hr mushroom is very close to the 37 test from above but a bit larger. The depth of the pool was 5/8ths". Scent throw was mediocre.

    The 34: full diameter pool at 2.5 hr's. 1/8" mushroom at 3 hr's. Depth of pool was a bit less than 1/2" at 3 hrs. Throw was the best of the 3 and just ok.

    The 34 is the smallest I have in the RRD's. Maybe I'll give the 44 & 51 zincs a shot next. I'm not gonna pay $6+ shipping for a bag of wicks and the two suppliers near me don't carry RDD's. We'll see how the zincs do, and if they don't do well, I'll get some smaller RRD's with the next wax order.

  14. Lori,

    I am using my pour pot in the Presto.. LOL, I'm using my Presto as a double boiler. I could lower the temp on the Presto and do as you do...duh... thank you :)

    Jill, I used 9% FO. I just finished my 1st burn with the RRD37 and I had a full diameter pool at 2 hr 10 minutes and these jars are 2.5" diameter. At 3 hours the pool was about 0.5" deep. The RRD37 also was sooting a bit right from the get go, but settled down within 30 minutes. The hot throw was a little light, but at least it threw :). After 3hr's, it had a mushroom 1/4" across.

    I just fired up the RRD34 and RRD40 about 15 minutes ago and the RRD34 hot throw is better than the RRD37, I need to go downstairs to check the RRD40 throw.

    Both the 34/37's have a larger flame than the zincs I was mostly using with that soy/para blend I bailed on. I don't know if that's a characteristic based on the type of wax or the type of wick.

    So after these 1st burns tonight, I'll do my second burn over the weekend.

  15. Target has an 18 quart roaster made by Rival for $40. I saw them in the store, but couldn't find them on Target's web site.

    The only thing I see being an possible issue is that it doesn't appear you can easily add a pour valve like with the Presto Pot; and it doesn't have an already built in drain like the Turk-&-Surf

    Checking out Rival's web site, they also have a 22qt roaster. Here is their web site for these things.

    Not that I need one as my Presto Pot is doing fine for now, just thought I share this with those who need a bit more capacity.


  16. A multitude of babbling is gonna be going on here :tongue2:

    Last night I poured my first containers with 6006 :yay:

    Before I poured, I had to run to JoAnn's to get some glue sticks and also picked up a heat wand. A Darius thing-a-mabobbie. One temp, shaped like a Dremel tool of sorts and $20.

    So I fired up the Presto pot, and got to work. I made (3) 9oz WSP's Basic Straight Glass jars with CS's Cinnamon Buns. One each with a RRD 34, 37, 40. I poured, threw the comb on the wick and put them back in the now turned off oven to set up/harden.

    I woke up this AM and they each had air holes so I poked a couple more holes around the wick and fired up the heat wand and fixed 'em :yay:.

    One thing I noticed when I heated them up with the wand was the throw. It was great... would this be a good indication of the hot throw when they are burning? Man I hope so, after my miserable failure with the soy/para blend I used before the 6006, I hope the heat wand hot throw is a sign that the 6006 will be doing what I want it to do... hot throw.

    Hee hee hee, I got me a heat wand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and some promising cinnamon buns in the oven (kind of ;) )

    Thanks to those who replied to my 6006 temperature questions in the temporary forum.

    Another question: When I add my FO, my temp drops a lot. I heated the 6006 to 190, added color, removed from the heat, waited to 180 and added the FO. Immediately after mixing in the FO, I was at 165. What would be a good way to keep the temp up? I also had this significant temp. drop with the previous wax I was using.



  17. The 4630 is straight paraffin?

    From reading posts about waxes over the last few weeks, I understand that the difference in cure times is greatly affected by the type of wax; soy needs lotso curing, paraffin doesn't.

    Can anyone pipe in about 6006 cure time since there is a bit of soy in there?

  18. Another option you have when you call your customer is too offer them the candles you do have a tight formula for. Maybe cut your price a bit to make it attractive to the buyer and let them know by the time their next order comes around, you'll have time to find the formula needed for exactly what they want.

    So there are a few options for you:

    Ask if you can have some more time

    Ask if you can give them the size candles you know

    Do what you need to do to keep this customer without working for nothing. Keep in mind, if you break even on this first order using the formula's you know and lowering the price this one time, you still most likely won't be working for nothing... you'll get future orders.

    It would be important to me to have product in their shop for their opening.

    When you speak with them, be sincere but don't be an introvert, don't keep apologizing, DON'T LOSE CONTROL of the conversation, keep the conversation up beat, and above all, make sure they know you will do what you can to make this happen. If things don't work out, so be it..a learning experience and that has its pluses. Of course not as good as cash, but possibly more valuable ;)

    Be positive and good luck :)

    As for that one reply, don't pay it any mind. There is a lot of skill in candle making as well as how to be tactful. I am tactful, but haven't made a good candle yet...for some it's vice versa ;)

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