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Posts posted by BakedApples

  1. Welcome to the board.

    My truth is that those who don't follow the rules will succumb to those who do in the end. The weiner heads will not be the last ones laughing. Period.

    Unfortunately, copyright/trademark infringement has occurred since the time of the first written word, and will continue long past our demise. Unless we are in a position to trademark and copyright everything we offer -- then yes, we will continue to fall prey to the copycats from time to time.

    I've been in business a long time, and have experienced my share of those who copy. The more competitive the market you are in, the more likely you'll find this occurring. Did it ruin my business? Nope. In the end, there is more business out there to be had than I could ever shake a stick at.

    Copyrighting and trademarking is only as good as the enforcement arm is long. That said, I would rather concentrate my efforts on doing the absolute best job I can in running my business, than to worry about what the copycats may or may not be doing.

    In the end, those who lack the originality to design/development their own dream are the same ones who give up when they don't realize instant gratification from their efforts.

    I'm sorry you are hurting. Sometimes we have to step away from what we are passionately entrenched in to look at it clearly, KWIM? Maybe it's your time for a change. :meditate:

    I wouldnt say the weiner heads sales are any where near mine at any given time, but my point was I let them do this to me by not taking action. I am the bigger fish next to them being I am a legal company I have better grounds to stand on in the court system if it did come to that.

    I never lost sleep over what they were doing I did focus on my business but not keeping them under a closer watch while they scummed me was my point. Almost like the saying keep your freinds close but the enemy closer.

    Maybe it is time for a change but I truely loved and still love whats left of it, I don't want to see it go.

  2. That sucks. I'd become their personal stalker, by any means necessary.

    I'm waiting till the day I catch someone uses my wording or photos from my site as their own. Muwhahahaha!

    You my dear will be in business a very long time then. My problem was I sat back and took it, fight them and you shall win.

  3. I'm a new poster in the community but after reading the one thread below about how family friends or customers ask questions about your stuff then before you know it in a matter of hours they have a website up and running (imagine they went to the local open 24 hours liability insurance place on the corner) photo's, pricing the same as yours they even have the nerve to steal the copyrighted text on your site, in between I think they did stop at the division of corporations to file the proper paperwork then after that they stopped off at the local dept of revenue cause you know the state wants their sales tax! Then the icing on the cake is when the bash you all over the internet with nasty reviews of your products.

    Ohh but wait they never did form a legal company, never did get that liabilty coverage, never saw them collect a dime for sales tax either. Hmmmm makes ya wonder why you bust your butt doing things the right and legal way then get kicked by Uncle Sam when you file taxes and have to pay in 7,000.

    How is this fair?

    Well after 3 years I'm sitting here thinking to myself how did I allow myself to fall victim to these weiner heads (being nice here using the word weiner) after just seeing yet again my words on another business website.

    As I sit here and think how could I have stopped them? There is no way of stopping them! yes, I could go spend 300.00 and have my attorney send a letter to scare them if they do not remove my content, but who has the last laugh I'm 300.00 less cash and schmuck chandler has had plenty of time to establish customers so who cares is she changes her content at this point she still has her customer base that she built on your words.

    Then you sit and dream of the day the IRS catches them, or someone gets hurt and sues them but they have no insurance, you dream the dept of revenue is knocking on the door...then you wake up!!! It's never going to happen because the wanna bee's will probably outlast us the real small business owners who did form an S-Corp, LLC, etc., we did collect and pay our sales tax, we went to our accountants and filed our returns. We the legal small business owners are the ones who end up getting screwed in the end. I put so much time into my business my marriage suffered then finally disolved.

    Now how do I know this? I can't tell you how many times I have seen my text verbatim on another website, I can't tell you how many times my customers fell victim of the snakes who decided to make their own product and pass it off as mine, I can't tell you how many times a good nice customer decided one day she was going to make her own product and copy every single thing you did right down to the label sizes, cart service, scent list, prices and so on. They say copying is a form of flattery but not when it takes food off your table it aint flattery.

    So my point is since all this has happened I have been fighting to keep my doors open, I'm very close to going out of business. Something I spent so much time and passion on can just end in a matter of weeks. If these things do happen to you don't shrug it off go after them somehow spend that 300.00 on the attorney (you can always write it off..lol) I'm sure it will be worth it sooner then later, don't think they will just go away or something will happen because the "weiner heads" are going to be the last one laughing.

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