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Posts posted by CntryBreez

  1. Thanks to all who helped me with my wick staying on the bottom...using hot glue gun now...works great!!!

    What causes the holes down the wicks? I am using 60% 6006 and 40% soy with CD wicks. I heat to 175 pour at 160-150 but I have to do a repour....any suggestions????


  2. I have lots of problems keeping the wick tabs to stay attached to the bottom of the container when I add the hot wax. I have used the sticky foam, stickums, glue dots and still they come off of the bottom of the container. Then they are not straight and bow this way or that way. Is it possible after the candle has cooled to insert a wick without the tab and have it burn all the way to the bottom? My wax is soft so I don't think it would be a problem getting it in I just wonder about what would happen when the candle burned down. Would the wick fall over ????? Thanks in advance for your help!!!

  3. Hi everyone!!! It does not matter what I do everything shrinks....I have used paraffin blends, soys, container blends, soy blends and everything shrinks....It would not be bad if it all would shrink in the containers but maybe only half does so it looks just awful!!!!....Why oh why is this happening???? I just wish it was me that was shrinking LOLOL


  4. Hi Everyone!!! I am new to candle making and have found it to be very challenging to say the least. My question is what kind of soy wax have you found to work for you? One that has excellent throw, short curing time and that is a one pour wax. I have ordered so much wax that has not worked for me. I am a fulltime nursing student and need additional income!!! Your help will be really appreciated!!!

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