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Posts posted by marie81118

  1. Ah!! well burning them all the way down is one thing i didn't do... i just assumed once over-wicked, always over-wicked! :whistle:obviously not the case! Newbie ignorance...haha! i understand now the significance of different air currents as you burn deeper into the container. Now if my flames don't burn out then i'm back to my original problem. My supplier doesn't carry LX wicks, only zinc cored... so i'll have to find a size comparable to those.

    Thanks everyone for the replies!! I'll keep ya posted on my progress... if any!!:grin2:

  2. Hi Everyone! So I know this wick question is pretty redundant and after tons of researching, I've decided to ask for some different opinions!

    I have a wide round jar w/ a 3 1/2" diameter opening; the body is closer to 4" diameter; and 3 1/2" tall. When I got these containers, the store owner said to triple wick with 44-20-18z. (btw, using 4630 wax) However, after testing with these wicks, I've noticed that the candle is def over-wicked! (thanks to all the wonderful expertise advice on this forum!!:highfive: ) The melt pool is too large and too deep w/in such a short period of time! So I know I need to wick down... does anyone have any advice using a container similar to this one whether to use two smaller wicks or one larger wick? I've also come across the wick charts, but they only help to a certain extent.

    Thanks so much!! Everyone has been such a big help already in my research!! :D

  3. I looked on ebay as well for a presto before I went ahead and bought one from wal-mart just recently. The bids (plus shipping cost) were always higher than wal-mart's $22. This one from ebay does have a spigot attached to it which could make for easy pouring unlike wm's, but I find that mine works quite well without a spigot! Just depends how much you want to pay for the small convenience. Hope that helps!!

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