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Posts posted by jamie

  1. I own my own business. I have a beauty salon here in town and I sell my candles. I have a lot of request for just the oil, and I too looked for a real wholesale supplier. I couldn't find one either. I can't afford to sell my frag oils, I'm practically paying a retail price myself. If I tried to make any money the oils would be too high for anyone to purchase from me.

    I have the in's in buying beautysupplies at wholesale prices, but when it comes to fo's, I'm lost. I was prepared to buy in bulk, but just never found the right place.

    Anyone find out anything more, let us know.

  2. I have always sold my candles myself, I sell them probably too cheap, but for $8 for an 8oz tin . But I have been asked what they would be wholesale, if they bought 100 candles . I never really thought about it. But I did sit down and figure my cost of everything, including the shipping, and a round dollar amount is $3.00 per candle. In your opinion, what would you sell this candle for, retail and wholesale. I thought about selling them for $10.00 but I haven't went up yet. I'm not sure how much I should be making if I sold it wholesale. Can you help me ?


  3. Hi, I'm Jamie too, but a different one here. I was asked to do a candle party and I/we have decided to just have a few snacks, and let the people walk around and sniff and see what they want.

    Another girl asked me just last night about my candles and she said she was having another party, like Pampered Chef or something, and asked if I wanted to come set up a table on the side. I thought that was a neat idea. Since she was having a house full anyway. Maybe it won't be so boring.

    And with another item being offered, if no one buys my candles, I won't feel so stupid.

    But beside's games, which I hate too, maybe combine your party with another party....like make-up or tupperware.


  4. Thanks for the advice. I am sure she will come by or call. She seemed very persistant even though I "tried" to blow her off nicly. I think I will do like you said, give her one supplier and tell he to google. I too have spent 6 years and at least 2k trying and testing. I may give her this board site so she can read herself. But I will tell her that my exact candle combo is a family secret. That commercial comes to mind with the baked beans and the dog ! :D So we as candle makers aren't the only one who protects our creation !!

    It just makes me so nervous when I get questioned like a criminal. I'm not the type who can just come back with a fast remark that will shut them up.

    I'll let you know how it turns out when she comes a callin'


  5. I have read post about the customers asking "where do you get your stuff ?" and ? "I've been wanting to make candles, what do you use?" I have someone who kept on, and on with the questions. She said she bought some jars and wanted to making candles, when she heard I did, she bugged me to death. She got my phone number and said she would be calling me and come over to talk candle stuff :mad: What am I supposed to do ?

    I didn't know what to say. I want to be nice, but not reveal my secret stuff. I don't want to hurt their feelings.

    I need to know what you tell people who want to know where we get our stuff, or how we make this or that particular candle.

    I did a search, but I'm not sure how to find this. I'd appreciate any advice.


  6. I use J223 too !:yay: Best wax ever. I use a tin, so I don't see wet spots, and if I did use a clear jar, that would be my least worry. An awesome scent throw is what I'm out to acheive.

    I let my candles cure minium one week before I would sell it, or test burn it. Definalty put the lids on and wait. I can make a batch of candles, and after day 2, the smell is smellable (if that's a word) but at least a week later, I can take the lid off and it will blow me away ! My candle combination of wax, wick and fragrance oil is like wine. The longer they sit, the better they get ! 2 weeks out, they are positivly good to go !


  7. thanks for the input ! I appreciate it . I did make a few candles to test where I mixed 1/2 leather and 1/2 midsummber night. It was ok. Either people love it or they hate it. So I think I need to work on another mix. I do like leather, I want to use that in with something else.

    I have tried Bergamont & Manderine from SOS & WSP and they stink to me and to my tester friends.

    I think I will try the cool water from NG, but who is NG? is it Natures Garden ?

    I have a lot of pine scents that I tested over the holidays. I never found a real favorite, but some were pretty good. I was looking for something that smelled like a fresh cut tree. Most of the samples I ordered in were good, but very soft. Not bold like I wanted.

    I will try some of the suggestions you mentioned, thanks !


  8. I checked into "protecting" a product of mine once about 1 1/2 years ago. And to trademark something, you have to apply for it, and it, then, cost about $300.00 (give or take) I never did it, but if I ever did, it would have to be something I was serious about keeping around a while. I just didn't have the money at the time. But it is a good idea.


  9. I had several men clients asking me about making a candle with a "man's" smell. I have men that do like blueberry muffin, kumquat,etc. But I want something that smells like a man.

    I tried only one manly scented candle, I mixed 1/2 Midsummer Night and 1/2 leather.( Both FO I got from Candles $ Supplies) It smell ok, but kinda smells like burnt plastic.:cry2:

    Can anyone suggest a strong masculine FO to use. I can mix several together if you have any ideas.



  10. Thanks for your help ! I will try some of these ideas ans see what looks the best. Right now, my tin looks so plain. It definatly need something to draw attention to it. I use the 8oz tin with clear lid and I was putting a foil label on top with my logo on it. But too much silver. So last week I bought some kraft paper colored labels and I've been playing around with that, but still nothing worth using. I really want a hang tag, but like you said, it may not be do-able unless I change containers.

    I'll play around with these ideas and I will try and post a picture when I figure it out. Thanks again for the help.


  11. I've seeing these around and while surfing the web I found a place to make them with all the parts.

    I'm guessing these are a lot like the old "coil oil" lamps that my grandma used when the lights when out.

    Is this oil for light and decoration only, or does it throw out a frangrance? I do know that the old original coil oil lamps used only certain oil that we bought at Wal-Mart. I don't think that type of oil isn't made for FO.


  12. I make candles and I use the 8oz tin with a clear lid. I really want to add a hang tag, but I'm not sure how. There's not really a lip on the tin to tie it to, it would slide down. And I don't know about elastic string......may look cheap. I want to hang the tag on raffia ribbon, or a silver ribbon to match my tins.

    Can anyone help me with some ideas ? My brain is tired. I've worked and worked on this idea. I want to take my tag and emboss my candle name on it. I thought about embossing the labels that I stick on the tin, but the hanging tag looks so good to me.

    Thanks in advance,


  13. I was thinking of doing some home parties. WE just moved here to a new town and I'm meeting new people. I've given some of my products as "gifts" to help me advertise. And since my products are new to this area, a lot of ladies want it. I had a few friends ask if I would do it if they had a "ladies night out" home party.

    This would be a great way to get my product out there.

    My question is, would it be okay to take one of each of my bath products, like fizzies, shea butter and scrubs and let them place an order ? I have plenty of candles to take, but I' afraid to make up a lot of bath and body products then I take a chance of them not selling.


  14. I use J223 container wax, and I have read rave reviews about how strong their FO are.... in soy. But does anyone use their FO in regular wax ? if so, how is the throw ?

    I'm thinking about making soy tarts, I read a post on that tonight. But if I place an order, I'd like to go ahead and order for my candles too, but not sure if the quality is the same.


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