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Posts posted by bizzyb

  1. Thank you for your responses.

    I dont know what the actual initials mean.

    Thanks BizzyBs for the comp on my name...lol

    Holly- I get my wax from a local supplier and she actually uses the same product and does not get the same result. She does not get any of the frosting like what I have got. It took hers a month to get the beginning of frosting and hers is just slightly noticable and I poured mine last night and 3 hours later it was splotchy. My supplier told me to pour at 130 and that is what i have been doing. I will try pouring cooler. When I poured cooler than 130 it seemed to be slushy when I poured. I would think that the additive would be mixed in well except for the problem I keep having. I know that the temp in the room where you pour can be a factor to the frost, would that make a difference with this? I keep the room at about 71 to 75 degrees.


  2. Ok I am using ADM Soy wax with the recomended additive and having trouble the additive mixing in. (I guess that is what is wrong)

    I read the thread from the old board about the testing of all the different soy and I began testing with that process and I am still having the same problem. I heat wax and additive together to 200 and I add my dye at 200 and then add my FO at 130 and pour. I even tryed adding my dye at 167 and still having issues.

    The result I am getting even with an undyed candle (which makes me think its the additive) is that it seems like the additive is not mixing into the wax good. I stir for a while before I add anything and stir good before pouring. When the candle sets up it has white stuff all over the out side. Its not like frost (which I expect to happen) its more like white lines and splothes.

    I am using 3% additive which is what it takes to make the tops smooth. What am I doing wrong?? Is there another way I can be sure the additive is incorporated good enough, am I heating too high/too low?? I thought it was low quality dyes at first so I purchased some dyes from my supplier of the ADM wax and "walla" same thing happened. :cry2:



  3. Unfortunatly I just moved to Oklahoma and the closest supplier here that I have found is Candlesoylutions and they are 100 miles from me. :sad2: I found one about 10 minutes from me to get my wax from, she has limited fos though. All good that I have tryed so far. Its www.okcandlesupply.com I have tried her candy cane...to die for, hot apple pie & pumpkin pie are awesome as well, her prices are reasonable as well.


  4. All of JBNs Fos are great. The only one I cannot get to throw is the honey dew melon, it smells good cold but hot you have to be right up on it to smell anything.

    Non bakery recomendations...

    Stargazer lily -awesome,

    Peaches N Cream - awesome..smells like fresh peaches,

    Rose buds- dead on & awesome


    Love spell- good

    Coconut lime- good in parafin, have not tryed it yet in soy

    I just moved from Texas and JBN was 5 minutes from me. I was using a parafin wax and the throw was ok, Now since I have relocated to OK there is only 1 supplier near me so I have started testing with soy and have knock you socks off hot and cold throw.



  5. Hi Tammy,

    I was having that same problem so I did some research about it & it was suggested to leave out the additive and pour at around 95F. I poured my test candle on Saturday and the result was a smooth top and no frosting. The down side is you still get the cauliflower top after burning. I am new to soy. I have only used parafin until now.



  6. Hi Shannon,

    You can get epsom salts at walmart in the pharmacy department. Not sure about Dead sea salt but you can get course sea salt there as well in the baking dept.

    Hope this helps.:)

    I know that this is not wholesale but by the time you add shipping walmart could be a little less expensive.

  7. You might try consignment at different retailers, of course you dont get you $$ right away but you get your name out. You could start a data base of the people who have bought from you in the past and include everyone you know and then send out a post card giving them a discount on their next purchase.

    I am fairly new at the selling of my candles and I am trying to get going again after relocation and I am going to offer private label and market to the local small retailers in my area. In this case they purchase the product instead of consigning it.

    Hope this helps.

  8. I am new on here and do not post alot but I have expericence with this one.

    I have had that happen, try not filling your container as full. You may have had an air bubble in the wax that caused it to be so "eruptive". I make relief holes as my candles are curing to release any air. If you make your relief holes before they are completly cured while the tops are still liquid your tops will still be smooth.


  9. Hi Valerie6.

    Not sure where you live but Taylored Concepts in Dallas Tx has "Puppy's Breath" FO And they have "Fresh Dirt" FO

    Nothing like Fart FO but its way off the wall. They have a FO called Monkey Farts at AAA but its fruity smelling. There is no minimum order for these places either.


  10. I have just started working with the Smelly Jelly and I did use the garden crystals and distilled water. I did mine in Leather and called it Nu Car Scent. Instead of using the daisy lids we used the mason rings cut out a circle of a plastic canvas type (Think plastic) material for the scent to vent through. I have had it in the car for over a week and I show it to all of my customers and seem to have a big response from it. So far I am just testing but having great luck. The only thing that seems different with the garden crystals is that you have to use more to absorb your liquid.


  11. Sorry bizzy... Didnt mean to take your name.

    As far as the candle nose, I had some one else to test them as well and they could not smell them either unless they were right next to the candle. As far as my wick goes I am using 51-32-18 with zinc core, and I am using it in an 8oz jelly jar. Again I am new and this is what the supplier told me to use. Live and learn.

  12. Thanks. I live in Tx and I bought my FO & wax from a local supplier. So far I have tried Honeydew, Tulips, Stargazer Lily, & Melon Patch and all throw lightly at 12%. The only thing that I can get to throw hot is Creme Brulee at 10%. My supplier claims that their FOs are undiluted but not sure. Are these FOs typically just light fragrances?

  13. I am new at candles. I use a 50-50 blend wax and I am having a problem with hot throw, You cannot smell the candle until you are right next to it. My supplier tells me that the wax can hold a fragrance load of 12% and I am now at 12% and the fragrance still does not fill the room. My candle has wonderful cold throw. Can anyone help???

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