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Posts posted by Erica

  1. Thanks for all the warm welcomes. topofmurrayhill, yes I'm in Chandler..love it here. Are you close? Linaya, we're practically neighbors, not that far away at all. I'm sure looking forward to some cooler days!

    Trust me, I exhausted every option with this wax before allowing my husband to stick the air hose to it. His ideas aren't always brilliant, but some times they do work. I would have just dug it out and played with the wax a little more, but I was too curious to see what it looked like whole.

    The 4625 was a heck of a lot easier to work with, it slid right out of the mold! I really wanted to make two candles out of each wax and use the same wick, scent & color just to compare the two, but I won't give up on the P-1 just yet, I'm a little stubborn that way. Besides, it was my first melting and I'm sure there's a good handfull of things I did wrong.


  2. Hello everyone! I've been browsing this board for a couple weeks now, thought it was time to drop a line and introduce myself. My name is Erica and I live in Chandler, AZ. I have a full time job at a mechanical contracting company as a buyer, I'm married and do not have any children. Unless you count the three dogs, two cats and the bird. I've been making cold process soap for about four years. I started a small business before I moved here, well it was enough to pay for the addiction. Before my transfer to the Phoenix area I realized I would be working later and longer hours and would not be able to make soap on the same scale. So, I sold most of everything and kept enough supplies to make soap for personal use and gifts.

    I just started to dabble in candle making a few weeks ago and ran accross this board. So far I've had most if not all of my questions answered from the archives and current discussions. I've managed to pour two candles so far, one turned out pretty good and the other not so good. They are pillars and I purchased two waxes to play with, the IGI 4625 and the Naturwax P-1 with some CD-10 wicks. I started with the P-1 and couldn't get the dern candle out of the mold, my husband took it to work and put the air hose to the wick hole and shot the candle accross his shop! The wax was very ashy looking, I didn't wick it, just chaulked it up as a learning experience and will have to figure out later how to make this wax cooperate. However, I used lilac fragrance oil at 6% and the cold throw was very nice and strong. The IGI 4625 candle turned out great and is burning in my kitchen right now, same fragrance and %, cold throw is good, hot throw is okay. My melt pool seems to be doing okay, though is a little off center.

    Well, I suppose I'll stop yapping. I will post more as my candle making experiences get better.


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