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Posts posted by thecandlespastore

  1. I don't know about you, but I get so tired of taking pictures with my camera. Its a really good camera, but I don't like spending hours editing images. With my iPhone 4, picture taking is effortless and takes much less time. Still tinkering, but what do you think?



  2. 2 words: Soap Hutch. I have 16 of Rich's molds and I have never had a problem (EVER!) I have heard so many horror stories about Paul over the years. Poor customer service, poor product, very nasty attitude (of which I have experienced first hand over on the Soap Making Forum when he was a mod.) Yikes. I really hope you can get your money back.

  3. I buy my lye in 400 lbs quantities at a time. That is how much lye you can find around here on any given day. I go through it fast. And I have a 6 and a 4 year old (and a rather curious cat who may have been a dog in his past life.)

    Might sound like a nightmare, but its all about being responsible. I have never worried about having that much lye in the house, because I know how to store it. Find yourself a bucket that has a top that you need power to open (like the 50 lbs buckets coconut comes in from soapers choice.) Pour your lye in that and the kids wont be able to open it even if they tried. I cant even open it without breaking a sweat and a few fingernails. And its not kept in the main part of the house.

    I keep them out of my soap making area, and they learned at an early age not to come in the workshop anyway. I never leave my lye mixes unattended, not even for a minute. Never make soap if there is the slightest possibility of being disturned by a child or a boo boo or whatever.

    We mostly soap during the day when they are in school or at night after they have gone to bed. We premix all of our lye and keep it locked in the garage. We can usually pour 120 bars in 10 minutes with everything pre-measured. We have never had any incidences with lye.

    I think CP is much funner to make, and it feels good combining things and watching it metamorphose into something else that you created from scratch.

  4. I saw a "beer" soap on Etsy today made with melt and pour. And some foaming bath butter with beer added to it. First thing that came to mind was the mold that is bound to start growing in it. Pretty gross. I would not do it.

  5. I like them both, but I use palm for my soap just because I do market as an all veggie bar. Some people are disgusted at the thought of using an animal product on their skin (even though yes, stuff they have been using for years has animal fat, but try telling them that. They usually don't want to hear it. )

    I get very white bars from my recipe with palm and olive. I find that when I use lard and when I use palm, same exact recipe, my soap overheats like a mofo. Switched back to palm, overheating goes away. Not too keen on the smell of lard, but I like the soap it makes.

  6. I am able to soap 100% coconut milk without a problem. I let it get frozen and then I thaw it till it is slushy. Proceed to soap (I make it with a creamy coconut fragrance) and the soap is amazing. I am going to make another batch, this time unscented, just to see what color the soap will be. The creamy coconut is a tan color but I suspect the fragrance has a lot to do with that.

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