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Posts posted by NoOneSpecial

  1. Once you melt it, please tell your opinion of the scent.......don't be afraid to hurt my feelings.

    1. is it original, is there something out there just like it?

    2. is it strong enough to be enjoyable?

    3.IS the scent pleasant to you?

    4. Does it's name "match" the scent?

    1. is it original, is there something out there just like it? It does seem to be original, but there is something in it that seems very familiar to me. It smells very fresh to me, like a clean scent, not a spicy scent.

    2. is it strong enough to be enjoyable? Yes.

    3.IS the scent pleasant to you? Yes, I did enjoy it.

    4. Does it's name "match" the scent? No, I don't think so. As I stated before, it smelled more clean and fresh to me than spicy. I think it is a keeper.

  2. Hi, I ordered some samples of EBC's Paraben Free Luxurious Bath & Shower Gel and it is extremely drying to our skin. Does anyone have an idea of what I can add to make it more moisturizing? If not, can you recommend a base that already is? Our skin is very sensitive so the more natural the better.

  3. It looks awesome and very organized. Back when I had my candle shop I found it useful to utilize the space in the center of the room by adding an island so that I could have additional counter space for large orders. I think this may help you as well depending on the size of the order you make.

  4. There's a very popular thread on another forum where folks are reporting good results using Milk of Magnesia. Just dab a cotton ball in it, wipe it on and you're good for hours (according to those using it).

    If you wanted to get fancy about it you could use a roller ball applicator and maybe add a drop of FO/EO...

    It's on my list of things to try anyway. :)

    I've heard of it, but trying to stay away from the aluminum.

  5. Hi,

    I stumbled over this web-site some time ago about making deodorant. It has several different recipes that you could tinker with. I have not tried any of these, but kept the link just in case. Make sure you read the links inside this thread as it has some interesting information as well.


    Another is: http://1greengeneration.elementsintime.com/?p=596

    This next link is one that I have made for my husband. He is sensitive and allergic to about everything and it works really well for him. The tea tree oil works great for him.


    Also, if you homemade deodorant, you will get a ton of links. I think I spent about 4 hours one day reading and looking at stuff from ingredients to all sorts of comments. I am determined to try some of the others this winter now that kids are all back to school so if I get them tested, I will let you know how they turn out.

    Hope this helps!!

    Thanks for the info. I will look into each of them.

  6. Thanks NoOneSpecial...that makes sense now, but here is the odd thing, when I go to illustrations/vector they only come in one size and there is no option for a smaller size unless I'm just not looking in the right place....here is an example of what I'm talking about...


    Well, vector images can be resized up and down and do not lose their resolution so that is probably why they are only available in one size. Do you have to have vector images?

  7. @NoOneSpecial & Grama...Im just using them for web graphics but where do you find the 1 to 3 credit image photos? Are they the ones in the Dollar Bin? I did look through those and found a few...I guess I should have another look at them.

    @FunkyMonkey66...thanks for the info I will have a look at them.

    Once you click on the actual photo you can choose xsmall or small. Here is an example: http://www.istockphoto.com/stock-photo-4825101-soap-with-natural-ingredients.php

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