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Posts posted by NicolezCreationz

  1. wow! ya'll are way too quik to take offense and place judgement. Nuthin in my comment was meant as negative only expressing my experiences. I use both soy and paraffin wax so there's no way for me to take sides. Besides I'm not that kind of person.Thought that's what this board was for but check this out... ya'll can have it, I'll just read.


  2. I have a comment on the soy versus paraffin issue. "soy nazi" huh? cute

    I make soy container candles and paraffin pillars. Last year I sold lots of pillars along with my containers but this year for some reason my pillars arent' moving at all. The question is always, "are thesessoy candles" and my answer is of course "the containers are and the pillars aren't". They quickly scoot down towards the containers and buy those. Funny, nobody asked that question last year. Luckily I only made a few pillars and tons of containers or I'd be in trouble.

    One lady asked me about the soy paraffin issue and what my thoughts where and I just told her what I'd read and discussed on occasion andthat paraffin wax candles are older than me and that in all my years as a nurse I've never run across anyone who had paraffin candle related cancer (that's not to say they don't exist) and if I really felt in my heart that it would pose a health issue I wouldn't make or sell them. I also told her that all of my waxes are high quality.

    On a side note I willl say that my pillars do make my ceiling and walls black in the area that I test them in but my containers don't. I shared that with her as well.

    Sorry so long:<


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