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Posts posted by resonateapothecary

  1. Hi Everwickcandles - I'm also trying to use this wax as I finally gave up on the Ecosoy 135 (looks terrible just about every time I pour them, even heat gunning them looks bad when it solidifies). I also tried 464, 444, and multiple combinations of the two of them, all with unpleasant results. The 454 is a better wax, the HT is good and they pour smooth, but I've also been trying for a year, yes an entire year to wick these candles. I've tried multiple different vessels (straight sided from CS, auras from makesy, a nice tin from West Sound) in multiple sizes (7 oz, 8 oz, 9 oz, 12 oz) and with a variety of both cotton (I've tried every size in each CD, CDN, and several LX in single and double wick tests) and wooden (I've tried every thickness and every width available from Makesy, also tried double wicking with many of them, some non booster and some booster). Nothing has worked, there is always at least one thing off. I'll get the HT, flame, and melt perfect, no tunneling, etc but then the vessel with be 170+ degrees which is far too hot for safety. I'm down to my last efforts and really hoping for a miracle b/c a year of testing natural, paraffin free wax has me wondering if it's going to work at all. I've tried adjusting the pour temperatures and glass heats. Today I am trying the Eco series and attempting to place the wicks a bit closer together in the middle of the jar and hope that will be the winner. Fingers crossed! I might try another brand of vessels but the money waste at this point is getting to be too much. Moving to a paraffin blend is really the only option I see left if this doesn't work, which isn't my favorite. I'll repost if I have success, please let me know if you found a good combination!!

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