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Posts posted by JannaBanana

  1. Hi! I'm new to the forum, thanks for being so helpful everyone.


    1) Now onto my questions... I've made a batch of soy candles, let them cure for a week. When I looked back into them, I saw there were some imperfections around the walls of the candle and I think it's because it's winter and the candle cooled down way too quickly maybe? I wanted to preheat the containers beforehand but failed to do so🤪. So I think that's why it happened. However is there a way to fix that once the candles have cured? I attached a picture so you can see how it looks like...

    2) Next doubt is about temperatures. I let the wax cool down to 60 ºC before adding in the fragrance oils and then stir slowly for a full 2 minutes. Then let it cool down to 50 ºC before pouring slowly into the pots. I've seen a girl just now on youtube add fragrance at 50 ºC then pour at 40 ºC... isn't that way too low? Maybe I'm not doing it right? I was told the oils need some temperature for them to bound to the wax. But too much temperature is also bad because it makes the scents evaporate. So if you could please enlighten me about this, that would be great.


    3) Then about the melt pool... what would you say is an ok melt pool like? I know it depends on many factors. But just an average way to know my candle is doing ok.


    4) And for how long would you expect a 150ml 100% soy candle with fragrance oil to burn in hours? I'm testing mine but don't know what to compare it to.


    5) Oh I also used 8% FO for them. Which is what my soy manufacturer advises. I think it could smell stronger somehow but don't want to add up to that percentage because I know there are other problems that may be causing the candle to not smell that strong. What would be your suggestions? I know it's always advised to let them cure for like 2 weeks but I needed to test and went with just 1 week.


    Thanks for the help! And sorry for so many questions!!


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