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Posts posted by MelissaG

  1. Square is ok. It depends what you're using it for. Yes, it has a free swipe that comes with it. Lets say you travel for markets and there are different taxes depending on the market. You will have to manually change the taxes for every single item you have for sale before you go to that location, or you will need a calculator to add it manually during the transaction. The app won't do it for you. Also, currently they do not have the ability to pull from a central location, you have to add inventory for each location and all those add on to each other so that your website will show that you have more inventory than you actually do. So, you can have accurate taxes OR you can have accurate inventory, not both. Hope that makes sense.

  2. Petrichor is the smell of dust after rain (ever seen Dr Who? You can't forget the meaning after Amy Pond repeats it like 50 times lol). And yes, Little Bee smells just like Petrichor not flowers or anything. It's EXTREMELY powerful though. I walked into my storage room and the scent has taken over the whole room. I used what the IFRA said to use but wow it was too much I think. The scent is caused by the gases given off by bacteria in the soil when it rains. I wasn't expecting it to turn my soap purple.

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